- Free: Open source (BSD-3-Clause)
- Modern language features: ES6/ES2015+ (env, flow, jsx)
- Clean code: Eslint, Flow
- Ready to use:
- ReactJS with redux (dev logger, async actions), router and material-ui
- Express server with CORS, helmet, morgan and express-handlebars
- Distributed SCSS setup
- Convenient tooling:
- Styleguidist live styleguide for developing components
- JSdoc API documentation
- Webpack with react-🔥-dom for development, caching and worker pools
- Multi-stage docker build for production
- Nodemon
- Jest for unit-testing
- A manual: Read this fucking manual
Make sure to use the node version specified in .node-version
. If you are using nodenv, you can simply $ nodenv install $(< .node-version)
In order to build and run the code, you need to install Yarn.
We recommend to use an IDE or code editor with eslint support.
Start by installing all the packages with yarn
On MacOS you might need to install Command Line Tools first
xcode-select --install
$ yarn start
This will start
- API server on port 3001
- UI client on port 3000
- Docs and README at http://localhost:3000/docs
$ yarn run styleguide
$ yarn run jsdoc
$ yarn run build:docker
$ yarn run lint
contains all api-server codeclient/
contains all ui-client codeserver/
contains the webserver (for ui-client and live docs)
- Thiemo Krause
- David Silva
- Josh Li