The estout package provides tools for making regression tables in Stata. The package currently contains the following programs:
esttab: Command to produce publication-style regression tables that display nicely in Stata's results window or, optionally, are exported to various formats such as CSV, RTF, HTML, or LaTeX. esttab is a user-friendly wrapper for the estout command.
estout: Generic program to compile a table of coefficients, "significance stars", summary statistics, standard errors, t- or z-statistics, p-values, confidence intervals, or other statistics for one or more models previously fitted and stored. The table is displayed in the results window or written to a text file for use with, e.g., spreadsheets or LaTeX.
eststo: Utility to store estimation results for later tabulation. eststo is an alternative to official Stata's estimates store. Main advantages of eststo over estimates store are that the user does not have to provide a name for the stored estimation set and that eststo may be used as a prefix command.
estadd: Program to add extra results to the returns of an estimation command. This is useful to make the the results available for tabulation.
estpost: Program to prepare results from commands such as summarize, tabulate, or correlate for tabulation by esttab or estout.
To install the estout
package from the SSC Archive, type
. ssc install estout, replace
in Stata. Stata version 8.2 or newer is required.
Installation from GitHub:
. net install estout, replace from(
Main changes:
estout.ado (3.32); ettab.ado (2.1.2)
- Windows network paths starting with a double backslash (\\) did not work; this
is fixed
estpost.ado (1.2.2)
- option elabels() in -estpost correlate- now stores additional info in
e(labels) and e(eqlabels) (if option -matrix- has specified); option -nolabel-
changes behavior of -elabels()-
esttab.ado (2.1.1)
- option -standalone- added
estout.ado (3.31)
- when writing RTF format, the horizontal rule between table header and table
body was missing if the table body contained only a single physical row; this
is fixed
estout.ado (3.30)
- estout now internally renames unnamed equations to "__" (rather than Stata's
default "_"); this fixes a number of issues (e.g. the issues addressed in
v3.25 and v3.26 using a different approach) and it also gives the user more
control when addressing coefficients in options such as keep(), drop(),
rename() etc.; specifying "_:coef" (or "__:coef") now specifically refers
to "coef" in unnamed equations; in the old behavior "_:coef" addressed
"coef" in any equation (i.e. same as specifying "coef" without "_:") and there
was no possibility to address "coef" in unnamed equations only
- rename() did not work with names containing spaces; this is fixed
- refcat() did not work with names containing spaces; this is fixed
- -unstack- produced erroneous results if equations were not in order; this
could happen if order() was used in a way such that the coefficients
from an equation were divided into multiple sets interrupted by other
equations; the problem is now fixed by enforcing ordered equations in case
of -unstack-
- when using -unstack-, models for which the first element of cells() was
not available were suppressed; this is fixed
estout.ado (3.29)
- the unicode translator introduced in 3.27 chopped lines after 200 characters;
this is fixed
- blanks in coefficient names lead to erroneous results when more than one
model was tabulated; this is fixed (Stata 11 or newer only)
estout.ado (3.27)
- in Stata 14 or newer, a subroutine is now called that escapes non-ASCII
characters if the output format is RTF (the characters are translated
to \u#?, where # is the base 10 character code); option -nortfencode-
prevents this behavior
estout.ado (3.26)
- now using a different approach to fix the order()/unstack issue; this also
fixes the second issue in
estout.ado (3.25)
- order() together with -unstack- lead to erroneous arrangement of the table
if there were unnamed equations; this is fixed
esttab.ado (2.1.0)
- added support for (Multi)Markdown through option -md- or -mmd- (or file suffix
.md or .mmd); md and mmd are synonyms; the changes are based on the suggestions
made by Emanuele Bardelli (see
estpost.ado (1.2.1)
- pweights and iweights are now allowed by -estpost gtabstat-; proposed by
Kye Lippold (see
estout.ado (3.24)
- the value of the previous statistic was reported instead of missing, if the
model p-value was requested, but the model contained no (nonmissing) F or
chi2 value; this is fixed
- the last format was used for all CIs if multiple formats were specified in
cells(ci(fmt())); this is fixed
- installation files added to GitHub distribution
estout.ado (3.23) and estadd.ado (2.3.5)
- changes from 07aug2019 undone because StataCorp will change Stata 16
estout.ado (3.24) and estadd.ado (2.3.6)
- Stata 16 introduced support for abbreviations in colnumb()/rownumb(); this
new feature could cause problems in estout and in some estadd functions;
estout and the relevant estadd functions now include code to enforce old
behavior of colnumb()/rownumb()
estpost.ado (1.2.0)
- estpost gtabstat added by Mauricio Caceres Bravo
estout.ado (3.23)
- estout crashed if a coefficient name contained an apostroph ('); this is fixed
- style() caused error if used with -estout matrix()-; this is fixed (thanks to
Daniel Bela)
- indicate() did not work correctly if there were repeated models; this is fixed
estpost.ado (1.1.9):
- -svy:tab-: e(lb) and e(ub) were missing in cases where -svy- did not
provide e(df_r); this is fixed
- computation of p-values and CIs failed if degrees of freedom were larger than
2e17 (or lager than 1e12 in Stata versions < 10) (can happen with -mi
estimate-); this is fixed
- @span in the erepeat() suboption returned wrong result if labcol2() was
specified; this is fixed
- element-specific drop()/keep() did not work as expected if coefficient names
contained spaces; this is fixed
estout.ado (3.20)
- if estout is called without without namelist and the active results are not
among the estimates stored by eststo, estout now displays a note (suggested
by Nils Enevoldsen)
estadd.ado (2.3.5)
- the 28jan2016 update of Stata 14 broke estadd.ado; this is fixed
(the update caused estadd to remove e(_estimates_name) from the active
estimates; a consequence of this was that results were no longer added to the
stored copy of the estimates if estadd was applied more than once)
esttab.ado (2.0.9)
- when tabulating a matrix with more than one column in tex format, only one
column was defined in the tabular environment; this is fixed
- the alignment() option now allows multiple-column shorthand when tabulating
a matrix in tex format; for example, type alignment(*{5}{l}) if the matrix
has 5 columns that should all be left aligned
- the definition of the tabular environment in tex format did not always
contain the correct number of columns if the cells() option was used; this
is improved
estadd.ado (2.3.4)
- -estadd local- now uses macval() to suppress macro expansion (only when
applied to active estimates and not for the display of the results)
estpost.ado (1.1.8)
- now uses macval() to suppress macro expansion in labels; affects subcommands
-tabstat-, -tabulate-, -svy:tabulate-, and -stci-
- subcommands -tabstat-, -tabulate-, -svy:tabulate- and -stci- now have an
-elabels- option to enforce saving labels in e()
- subcommand -tabstat- now uses the actual by() values (instead of 1, 2, 3, ...)
if a numeric by() variable is specified and labels are saved in e(labels)
estout.ado (3.19)
- estout now supports Unicode in Stata 14
esttab.ado (2.0.8)
- added option -[no]float- to suppress/enforce table float environment in LaTeX
estout.ado (3.18)
- cell contents longer than 245 characters was chopped off by -file write- when
writing the table cells; this is fixed
- computation of p-values and CIs from -mi- failed for coefficients for which
e(df_mi) was missing; this is fixed (using normal approximation)
esttab.ado (2.0.7)
- added option fonttbl() to set font table in RTF
estout.ado (3.17)
- estout now compiles labels for levels of factor variables and interactions
- new option -interaction()- to specify delimiter for interactions
- new options -[no]omitted- and -[no]baselevels- to specify whether
omitted coefficients and base levels are included; the default is
to include these coefficients
- the "o." and "b." flags are now removed from coefficient names
- estout no longer returns error if models use different base levels
esttab.ado (2.0.6)
- defaults for interaction() added
- entries for -omitted-, -baselevels- and -interaction- added
- clarified that explicit output format option will override format inferred
from file suffix
estout.ado (3.16)
- estout now picks up e(df_mi) for the computation of confidence intervals and
p-values after -mi estimate, post-
- estout crashed on models with equation names containing "."; this is fixed
- estout now works on Small Stata
- estout no longer breaks on wide rtf tables
estadd (2.3.3)
- the -outcome()- and -split- options in -estadd prchange- did no longer work;
this is fixed
estpost (1.1.6)
- -estpost correlate- did not work in Stata 8; this is fixed
estadd (2.3.1)
- -estadd margins- added
- -adapt- option of -estadd listcoef- discontinued
estpost (1.1.5)
- -estpost margins- added
- -estpost svy: tab- now correctly returns the subpopulation number of
observations in e(obs) if -subpop()- is specified.
estout (3.13):
- estout no longer chokes on factor variables in Stata 11
estpost (1.1.3):
- -estpost tabstat- now allows -columns(stats)-
estadd (2.2.8):
- support for -prvalue- and -asprvalue- from SPost added
- -estadd prchange- now adds outcome-specific results and average results
by default; new -avg- option to store only average result and -noavg- to
omit the average results; -adapt- option that was used in earlier
versions to add the outcome-specific results discontinued
estout (3.12):
- "z" can now be used as a synonym for "t" in cells()
- cells(t(abs)) returned error; this is fixed
esttab (2.0.5):
- option -z[(fmt)]- added (z statistics)
estadd (2.2.4):
- improved formulas for coxsnell and nagelkerke (old formulas likely returned
1 in large datasets)
estpost (1.1.2):
- -estpost tabstat- displayed wrong results (in each column the results
from the last column were displayed; returned results were not affected);
this is fixed
estpost (1.1.1):
- -estpost tabstat, statistics(semean)- crashed in some situations; this is
fixed (thanks to Matthew Fiedler for reporting the bug)
- -estpost tabstat- now uses label "semean" instead of "se(mean)"
- -estpost tabstat- could crash if variables or statistics were repeated;
this is fixed
esttab (2.0.4)
- -longtable- option added
estout (3.11):
- -order()- now adds extra table rows for elements not found in the table
- r(coefs) now respects -order()-, -keep()-, and -drop()-
estout (3.10):
- missing values (except .y and .z) in table cells are now treated like
any other values
estadd (2.2.3):
- -estadd local- returned error if the specified string contained
certain special characters; this is fixed
estpost (1.1.0):
- support for -svy: tabulate- added
- string variables are now allowed with -estpost tabulate-
- -estpost tabulate- returned a wrong e(sample) in some situations; this is
estout (3.09):
- options in estout.hlp are now fully linked
- no longer wrapper for -estimates table-; now incorporates code from
est_table.ado; still uses "undocumented" -mat_capp-
=> can now tabulate models that do not contain any coefs (e.g. stcox
without predictors)
=> name space for coefficients is no longer restricted to names in e(b)
=> can now tabulate estimates without e(b) or e(V) (e.g. -factor-)
=> rule for merging e()-vectors: coefficients from e()'s without
equations are merged into existing equations (without expanding the
name space) if at least one e() does not contain equation "_" and
no e() contains equation "_" along with other equations (and e(b)
does not contain equation "_"); else: match by equation and expand
name space if necessary
=> returns results in r() (r(coefs), r(stats), r(cmdline), etc.)
=> new rename() option to rename/match coefficients
=> el[#] and el[rowname] or el["rowname"] now possible to choose row of
e(el) to be tabulated (support for el_# syntax discontinued)
=> cells(): new -transpose- suboption in -cells()-
=> new 'var' element (variance) available in -cells()-
=> existing e(se), e(var), e(t), e(p), e(ci_l), e(ci_u) now take precedence
over internal computations (unless -margin- applies to model)
- -estout matrix()-, -estout e()-, and -estout r()- now available to tabulate
a matrix
- new eqlabels(,merge) option => merge eqlabel into varlabel
- mutiple values may now be specified in modelwidth()
- cells(): parentheses can now be used to bind statistics in a row
- -nolabel- option in refcat() added
- an individual model can now be included multiple times in a table
- now uses abs() in formula to derive SEs of transformed coefficients
- now adds e(cmd)="." to current estimates if undefined (so that results
without e(cmd) can be tabulated)
- no longer error if all coefs dropped
- fmt() can now be abbreviated as f()
- "\\" was not preserved in model titles taken from label of depvar; this
is fixed
- @rtfrowdef now generally available (undocumented)
- fixed parsing of -cells- from defaults files
- fixed bug related to cells(ci(star))
- @modelwidth variable now available in par() suboption in cells()
- repeated elements in cells() now have their own set of suboptions
- coefficients containing blanks now allowed
- fixed alignment bug related to statistics with stars and pattern()
- in wide mode, empty columns in equations (due to keep/drop cell-subopts)
are now suppressed
esttab (2.0.3)
- -esttab matrix()-, -esttab e()-, and -esttab r()- now supported
- no longer returns r(estout) since -estout- now returns r(cmdline)
- -note()- now replaces the standard note
- @starlegend is no longer default if user specifies -cells()-
- -gaps- is no longer default if user specifies -cells()-
eststo (1.1.0)
- new -prefix()- option
estadd (2.2.2)
- support for -prvalue- and -asprvalue- from SPost added (not documented yet)
- -estadd prchange- returns results differently; -add(all)- no longer
supported; -add()- renamed to -pattern()-; type of main results now
returned in e(pattern)
- now allows break key in subroutines
estpost (1.0.0)
- new -estpost- command added to package
estout (2.86)
- user parameter statistics in cells() were suppressed under some
circumstances if the -equations()- option was specified. This is fixed.
eststo (1.0.9)
- the -nocopy- option did not work. This is fixed.
- parsing in -addscalars()- has been improved (now binds parentheses/brackets
and allows quotes)
- the -noesample- option returned error if a variable with the same name
as the estimation set existed in the dataset. This is fixed.
estout (2.85)
- output is now suppressed if -using- is specified
- new -[no]outfilenoteoff- option (undocumented)
- -style(smcl)- is now default unless -using- is specified
- new -[no]smclrules-, -[no]smclmidrules-, -[no]smcleqrule- options
- new -note()- option (works like -title()-)
- model label row is now suppressed if only the active (unstored) model
is tabulated
- -varlist()- now takes precedence over the labels generated
by -eqlabels(none)-
- bug fixed related to the -vacant()- and -unstack-
- -se- was sometimes printed as "0" and sometimes as "." if the variance was
zero; it is now always printed as "."
esttab (1.4.0)
- user provided significance symbols (-star()-) are now formatted
depending on mode
- -addnotes()- is now printed before -legend-; -note()- added
eststo (1.0.7)
- -eststo drop- now allows wildcards
- -eststo dir- now shows list of stored estimates
estadd (2.1.4)
- new -quietly- option
- SPost subcommands added (-fitstat-, -listcoef-, -prchange-, -brant-,
and -mlogtest-)
- -estadd- now passes through the caller version
- lists of added results are now printed (unless colon syntax is used)
- output was not suppressed in colon syntax if only one name was
specified; this is fixed
esttab (1.3.8)
- -title()- and @hline were printed on the same line in -fixed- mode;
this is fixed
estout (2.79)
- "&" can now be used in -cells()- to join parameter statistics together
in one cell
- repetitions of elements in -cells()- are now possible
- "." can be used in -cells()- to insert empty cells
- -fmt()- now allows "%g" and "g" for "%9.0g" and "a" for "a3"; invalid
formats (i.e. if not starting with "%") now return error
- e()-matrices with multiple rows can now be addressed using name_# in
- new -topfile()- and -bottomfile()- options
- new -labcol2()- option
- bug related to -extracols()- and -mgroups()- fixed
- -abbrev- does no longer erase "." anymore
esttab (1.3.7)
- new -oncell- option
estadd (2.1.0)
- -estadd matrix- now also accepts matrix expressions
(e.g. estadd matrix M = A*2)
- -estadd matrix- can now be used as -estadd matrix matname- or
-estadd matrix r(matname)- (adds e(matname))
- -estadd scalar- can now be used as -estadd scalar scalarname- or
-estadd scalar r(scalarname)- (adds e(scalarname))
- -estadd r(name)- now adds, depending on the nature of r(name), scalar or
matrix e(name)
- -copy- option in -estadd matrix- discontinued
- "invalid subcommand" error message added
eststo (1.0.6)
- now sets e(cmd) to "." if undefined
estout (2.73)
- the -relax- suboption in options such as -drop()-, -keep()-, etc. is now
- -mlabels()- now has a -[no]title- option
- -eqlabels("",none)- did not work as advertised; this is fixed
- the -none- label suboption can now be specified without comma
(e.g. -eqlabels(none)- instead of -eqlabels(,none)-)
- new options: -starkeep()-, -stardrop()-
- the text specified in -prehead()- etc. and in the -begin()- and -end()-
label suboptions is now printed on a single line if it does not contain
double quotes
- tab characters in defaults files are now allowed
- empty table rows did not display correctly in older RTF readers; this is
esttab (1.3.5)
- -mtitles[()]- now uses estimates titles (if defined) even if -label-
is not specified
- -addnotes()- now prints just one line if the string does not contains
double quotes
eststo (1.0.5), _eststo(1.0.3)
- the caller version is now passed through
estadd (2.0.8)
- most functions now support variables with time-series operators
estout (2.70)
- inclusion of string e()-macros is now possible in the -stats()- option
- Stata 10 uses "e(estimates_title)" instead of "e(_estimates_title)"; this
is now recognized
- -elist()- and -blist()- in -varlabels()- can now write multiple lines
- some bugs fixed
esttab (1.3.4)
- -cells(none)- now produces better tables
- not all -estout- options were always passed through correctly; this is
esttab (1.3.2)
- bug fixed related to equation lines in -fixed- mode
- the -plain- option does not suppress the column labels anymore
estout (2.64)
- "too many literals" bug fixed
- new -wrap- option
- the -stats()- option now has a -layout()- and a -pchar()- suboption
- first element in -cells()- now sets the default display format (in earlier
versions, the default format was set by the -b- element)
- the -nofirst- and -nolast- suboptions in -varlabels()- now apply
- new @rtfrowdefbrdrt and @rtfrowdefbrdrb variables (undocumented)
- the label_subopts -elist()-, -blist()-, -begin()-, -end()- now also support
the @M, @E, @width, @hline, and @rtfemptyrow (undocumented) variables
- new -[no]first- label_subopt
- new -replace- label_subopt to overwrite -begin()- and -end()-
esttab (1.3.0)
- -esta- renamed to -esttab-
- lines between equations are now supported; new -noeqlines- option
eststo (1.0.4)
- -esto- renamed to -eststo-
estout (2.58)
- robust parsing of cells() if there are spaced between elements and their
- new -cells()- suboption called -pvalue()-
esto (1.0.3)
- -by- prefix command now supported
- new -missing- option to be used with by prefix
estout (2.56)
- bug fixed related to -cells(..(drop()))- with -unstack-
- new elements for -cells()- called -_star-, -_sign-, and -_sigsign-
- bug fixed related to -transform()-
- new -[no]asis- option (undocumented)
- new -[no]smcltags- option (undocumented)
- -style(smcl)- now includes horizontal lines
- new -cells()- suboption called -vacant()-
- -prefix()- and -suffix()- in -varlabels() now also applies to
-refcat()- and -indicate()-
- bug fixed related to spaces in -mlogit- equations
esta (1.2.6)
- improved smcl mode
- LaTeX column specifiers are now compiled if -cells()- is
specified (-stardetach- not supported)
- column labels are now printed if -cells()- is specified
estadd (2.0.6)
- e(_estimates_name) is now backed up in e(_estadd_estimates_name) while
working on the estimates set
estout (2.50)
- new @width variable
- prefix() and suffix() are now added to labels *after* abbreviation
esta (1.2.4)
- new -smcl- mode; -smcl- is the new default
- bug fixed related to leading spaces in labels in -scalars()- labels
(length of the labels is now restricted to 80 or 244, depending on
Stata flavor)
estout (2.49)
- new -dropped()- option
- ** was used instead of *** for p<0.001 in -rtf- mode; this is fixed
estout, estadd, esta, and esto are one package now
estout (2.48)
- rtf support added (undocumented: @rftrowdef and @rtfrowdefbrdr in
begin(); @rftemptyrow in varlabels(,end()))
- drop()/keep()/order() etc. now have a -relax- option (undocumented)
- -starlevels()- now has -label()- and -delimiter()- suboptions
esta (1.2.0)
- -append- implemented for -tex-, -rft-, and -html-
- improved -rtf- compatibility
- -page(packages)- now adds "\usepackage{packages}" to LaTeX documents
- -csv- mode now uses comma; new -scsv- mode (semi-colon separated)
- default file extensions implemented (.txt, .csv, .rtf, .tex)
- italics implemented for -rft-, -tex-, -html- in labels such as "R^2"
- bug fixed related dropping constant (usage of -drop(_cons, relax)-)
- symbols and thresholds may now be specified in -stars()-
estadd (2.0.5)
- r()'s are now always restored
- bug fixed related to e(_estimates_name)
- estadd now also works if current estimates do not contain e(cmd) or,
in fact, are completely empty
estout (2.45)
- usage of * and ? wildcards in -drop()-, -keep()-, etc. now independent
from the variable names in the active dataset
- * and ? wildcards now allowed in equation names in -drop()-, -keep()-, etc.
- bug fixed related to @hline>400
esta (1.1.4)
- new -rtf- mode
- bug fixed related to -nodepvar- in -tex- mode
- r(cmd) renamed to r(estout)
- -nogaps- now default for -not-
- bug fixed related to notes
- new -main()- option
esto (1.0.1)
- does not drop e(sample) by default
- new -_esto- command
estadd (2.0.2)
- bug fixed related to "GetRidof_estimates_name"
- new -lrtest- subcommand
estout (2.43)
- bug fixed related to -eqlabels()- and -mlabels()-, if less labels than
equations/models were specified
- -est tab ..., equations(main=1)- is now used if models have
different first equations (unless -unstack- or -equations()- is
- new -transform()- option
- new -refcat()- option
- new -indicate()- option
- bug fixed related to -noabbrev- in -style(fixed)-
estout (2.37)
- new -order()- option; -keep()- does not change order
- * and ? wildcards now allowed in -keep()-, -drop()-, etc.
- new -extracols()- option
- $esto is only used if the inicated estimates are available
- bug fixed related to column delimiter in -style(fixed)-
- bug fixed related to repeated equations
- "equation:_cons" is now replaced with equation label if
-eqlabels(,none)- is specified and "_cons" is only parameter in equation
esta (1.1.0)
- new -width()- option
- note "(output written to ...)" added
- -notype- is now default if -using- is specified
- new -align()- option
- new -fragment- option
- new -noisily- option
- new -csv-, -tex-, -tab-, -html-, and -booktabs- options
- file suffix now determines mode
estout (2.35)
- -tab-, -fixed-, -tex-, -html- now internal styles; -estout_mystyle.def-
- "estoutdef.ado" deleted from package
- *.style renamed back to *.def
- @E variable added (total number of equations)
- bug fixed related to abbreviation and -numbers-
- @span now supported in label_subopts -begin()- and -end()-
estout (2.31)
- changed default value for -discrete()-
- e(sample) is now fixed if observations have been added to dataset
- labels_subopts -end()- und -begin()- now feature multi-line strings
- new -numbers- option
- new -a#- display format (adaptive format)
- new -#- display format (fixed format)
- -varwidth()- now depends on -labels- with -style(fixed)-
- global macro -$esto- now recognized
- *.def renamed to *.style
estadd (2.0.0)
- new syntax: -estadd subcommand, opts: estimates-
- subcommands now included in "estadd.ado"
- new -local-, -matrix-, and -scalar- subcommands
- -estadd_plus- package now incorporated into -estadd-
esta (1.0.0) released on SSC
esto (1.0.0) released on SSC
estout (2.21)
- new @hline variable and -hlinechar()- option
- bug fixed related to Stata 9.1 and e(estimates_title)
estout (2.18)
- internal default values added
- bugs fixed related to the 503 character limit of the -:word of-
- subcommands are now named "estadd_subcmd" (old: "_estadd_subcmd")
- now also applies to the stored copy of the active estimates in any case
- equation name now allowed in -varlabels()
- speed improvements
estadd (1.0.5)
- estadd is separate package now
- new simplified alternative syntax for use with active estimates
- new -replace- option; changed default: overwriting not permitted
- all subcommands as separate ado files
- new subcommand called -pcorr-
estadd (1.0.3)
- support for e(subpop) added
- estadd_plus released on SSC; contains -summ-, -vif-, -ebsd-, -coxsnell-,
and -nagelkerke- subcommands
estout (2.15)
- new introductory "estout_intro.hlp"
estout (2.15)
- invalid suboptions in -cells()- now cause error
estout (2.14)
- improved handling of labels for time-series variables
estadd (1.0.2)
- new -summ- subcommand
estout (2.13)
- new naming convention for defaults files
- new "fixed" style
- new -style()- option; replaces -defaults()-
- multiple formats may now be specified for parameter statistics
- last format in -stats(,fmt())- is now used for remaining stats
- "(dropped)" was not displayed with all models; fixed
- empty "significance symbols" now possible
- valid range for starlevels now (0,1]
- new estadd command; support for subcommands canceled
- -stdev- subcommand renamed to -sd-
estout (2.05)
- bug fixed related to drop()/keep() in -cells()- and -unstack-
- support for -mfx- with multiple equation models; new meqs() option
estout (2.04)
- new -mgroups()- option
- new -blist()-/-elist()- suboptions in -varlabels()-
- new -substitute()- option
- bug fixed related to typing special characters
- support for -mfx- added (single equation models only)
- bug fixed related to model labels
- // and /// comments now supported in defaults files
- new -erpeat()- suboption in mlabels(), eqlabels(), and collabels()
estout (2.00)
- new syntax: -cells()- now determines the table contents
- new -beta-, -mean-, and -stddev- subcommands
- confidence intervals
- summary statistics for each equation in -reg3-, -sureg-, and -mvreg-
(if -unstack- specified)
- new -varlabels()- and -mlabels()- options
- labels_subopts: prefix()/suffix(), begin()/end(), none
- -unstack- equations
- overall-p-value
- introduction of @variables
- introduction of defaults files
- new -dmarker()- , -msign()-, and -nolz- options
- ... and many other changes
estout v1 now available as estout1
estout (1.02) released on SSC