WeatherVenue is a weather website using Google Maps and Openweathermap data to let people find best places to visit in their entourage; For warmer winter weather vacation or cool summer escapes.
It is a NodeJs & Express web app with other dependencies (axios, redis, nearby-cities, openweather-apis...).
when deployed after research it should be like:
Run Redis server on default port, fill in .env variables:
// root folder
// client
both on root folder and inside client folder.
Openweathermap is no longer completely free, If you cannot get a key to run your tests, please ignore OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY
but use the fake variable here:
and change fetchWeather
function as follows
import { fakeApiResponse } from '../consts/fakeOneCallApiResponse.js';
async function fetchWeather (city, language) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// const APIUrlWeather = `${city.latitude}&lon=${city.longitude}&lang=${language}&exclude=hourly,minutely&units=metric&appid=${OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY}`
// const body0 = await axios.get(APIUrlWeather)
// const data0 = await
// const APIUrlPollution = `${city.latitude}&lon=${city.longitude}&appid=${OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY}`
// const body1 = await axios.get(APIUrlPollution)
// const data1 = await
// resolve({ weather: data0, pollution: data1 })
resolve({ weather: fakeApiResponse})
const cities = [nearestCities(query, 10)[0]]// nearestCities(query, 10);
Please see open issues for a specific issue, and do not hesitate to open any new issue (like better code, readability, modularity and best practice, performance, better UI or even functionality enhancements...).
If you contribute, please consider that I can merge and publish a new release under one channel or another. It will be 100% free although I can add ads to generate some coffee expenses :)
If you want to maintain the project with me; You can always ask.
Please keep it fair if you want to deploy anywhere; Ask for permission.
Sweet coding !