- A tool to automate question solvings arranged in excel/csv file to Docx format. Used pandas, docx-python, sys
- Merge 2 PDFs
- A tool to merge 2 PDFs into 1. Used PyPDF2.
- PDF Compressor
- A tool to compress a PDF into smaller size. Used future, os and subprocess.
- PDF Merger
- A tool to merge all PDFs in a folder into new one. Used PyPDF2 and os.
- PDF to PNG
- A tool to get PNGs of all pages of the PDF. Used fitz, typing, os.
- A tool to extract texts from a PDF. Used PyPDF2.
- PNG to PDF
- A tool to turn PNG into PDF. Used fpdf, PIL, glob, os.
- Certificate-Automation-Tool
- A tool to generate certificates.
- Frame Automator
- A tool to automate photoframe generation.
- Graphic-Automator-Automation-Tool
- A tool to automate graphics.
- Email Extractor
- A tool to extract mails. Used re and panda.
- Random Data Generator
- A tool to generate random data. Used Pandas and Numpy.
- Mail-Automation-Tool
- A tool to automate emails. Used email, smtplib, pandas.
- All filenames in subfolder to excel
- All files to excel in a folder
- all foldernames in excel in a folder
- Tool to generrate Excels. Used os, pandas, subprocess.