The project involves extracting data from several smaller datasets and combining them together to do analysis.
- SentimentAnalysis : Calculates the overall sentiment from the list of provided tokens, extracted from text.
The dataset contains logs for askubuntu stackexchange logs ( in XML format.
The total size of the dataset is 22 GB.
It is stored in the GCS bucket gs://stackoverflow-dataset-677
The dataset includes multiple xml files corresponding to different attributes of the dataset.
The following are the relevant features for each XML file.
- Users: Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, WebsiteUrl, Location, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, AccountId
- Posts: Id, PostTypeId, AcceptedAnswerId, CreationDate, Score, Body, OwnerUserId, Title, Tags, AnswerCount, CommentCount
- Comments : RowId, PostId, Score, Text, CreationDate, UserId, ContentLicense
- Tags: RowId, TagName, Count, ExcerptPostId, WikiPostId
- Badges : RowId, UserId, Name, Date, Class, TagBased
- Votes : RowId, PostId, VoteTypeId, CreationDate
- Remember to compile the project, before running jobs
mvn compile
- SentimentAnalysis : Calculates the overall sentiment from the list of provided tokens, extracted from text.
- Remember to compile the project, before running jobs (if not done for previous section)
mvn compile
<> <input_file_location> <output_file_location> <positive_word_file_path> <negative_word_file_path>
Example Output :
Ordered by total number of tweets posted by users in descending order.
Week 8 Total posts 2 2014-02-18 13:33 Title: How can I set the Software Center to install software for non-root users? Sentiment: 2.38% positive Score: 48 Answer Count: 5 2014-02-18 13:34 Title: What are some alternatives to upgrading without using the standard upgrade system? Sentiment: neutral Score: 22 Answer Count: 2 Week 13 Total posts 1 2013-03-29 05:00 Title: How do I go back to KDE splash / login after installing XFCE? Sentiment: 2.85% negative Score: 18 Answer Count: 4 Week 30 Total posts 1 2014-07-22 19:53 Title: How do I enable automatic updates? Sentiment: neutral Score: 142 Answer Count: 5 Week 33 Total posts 1 2010-08-22 02:10 Title: How do I run a successful Ubuntu Hour? Sentiment: 5.08% positive Score: 26 Answer Count: 6 Week 49 Total posts 1 2017-12-10 23:38 Title: How to graphically interface with a headless server? Sentiment: 3.10% positive Score: 41 Answer Count: 9 Week 51 Total posts 1 2014-12-16 01:47 Title: How to get the Your battery is broken message to go away? Sentiment: 11.11% negative Score: 61 Answer Count: 4
- Usage:
<> <input_file_location> <output_file_location>
Example Output :
Ordered by count of week-wise top 5 trending tweets in descending order.Algeria Total Users :1 [ User : Px (since 2010-10-14) reputation=0 upvotes=0 views=31 website=] Argentina Total Users :13 [ User : Ither (since 2010-11-30) reputation=52 upvotes=52 views=23 website=NA, User : bruno077 (since 2010-10-03) reputation=35 upvotes=35 views=46 website=, User : vicmp3 (since 2010-10-22) reputation=31 upvotes=31 views=91 website=NA, User : Axel (since 2010-08-04) reputation=19 upvotes=19 views=47 website=http://localhost:8084, User : Sebastián (since 2011-01-16) reputation=14 upvotes=14 views=26 website=NA] . . . . Zimbabwe Total Users :1 [ User : coolmac (since 2011-05-09) reputation=0 upvotes=0 views=5 website=]
Analyzing Comments file from stackoverflow data, to find the top 5 postIds, the sentiment associated with these comments, the users who have made these comments, their scores, dates on which these comments are made etc.
File Path :
Analyzing Tags file from stackoverflow data, to find the top 5 tags, the excerptPostId and wikiPostId etc and displaying the data through the Reducer.
- File Path :