Create C++ Library and Integrate with iOS Swift Code
#How to create C++ Library(.a) file which we can use in Objective-C Project.
Write Objective-C Interface and Implementation follow the example HelloWorldIOS.h and
Write C++ Interface and Implementation follow the example HelloWorld.hpp and HellowWorld.cpp
Create CMakeLists.txt file and add the headers dependencies
Step1. Navigate at your CMakeLists.txt file
Step2. Create one folder at same mkdir build
Step 3. cd build
Step 4. Keep ios.toolchain.cmake atgiven in command
Step 5. run command
cmake .. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../ios.toolchain.cmake -DPLATFORM=OS64
Step 6. It will generate xcode project in build folder compile all build manualally or run below command
cmake --build . --config Release
Take .a file from build foler and import in Sample application.
Step 1. Create on folder in the Objectice-C Project file Example lib-files
Step 2. Create two sub folders include and lib
Step 3. Copy paste .a file in lib folder
Step 4. Copy paste .h header objective header files for exmaple in sample project.
Step 5. Add lib-files folder in project reference
Step 6. Add other linker flag -lc++
Step 7. Add Header serach path Exmaple $(PROJECT_DIR)/SampleApp/lib-files/include again depend on your header location
Step 8. Add libary search path $(PROJECT_DIR)/SampleApp/lib-files/lib again depend on your lib file location
Step 9. Import
#import "HelloWorldIOS.h"
Step 10. Access c++ lib interface
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
HelloWorldIOS *helloWorld = [HelloWorldIOS new];
self.helloWorldLabel.text = [helloWorld getHelloWorld];
#Platform flag options (-DPLATFORM=flag)
Platform flag options (-DPLATFORM=flag) OS - to build for iOS (armv7, armv7s, arm64) DEPRECATED in favour of OS64 OS64 - to build for iOS (arm64 only) OS64COMBINED - to build for iOS & iOS Simulator (FAT lib) (arm64, x86_64) SIMULATOR - to build for iOS simulator 32 bit (i386) DEPRECATED SIMULATOR64 - to build for iOS simulator 64 bit (x86_64) SIMULATORARM64 - to build for iOS simulator 64 bit (arm64) TVOS - to build for tvOS (arm64) TVOSCOMBINED - to build for tvOS & tvOS Simulator (arm64, x86_64) SIMULATOR_TVOS - to build for tvOS Simulator (x86_64) WATCHOS - to build for watchOS (armv7k, arm64_32) WATCHOSCOMBINED - to build for watchOS & Simulator (armv7k, arm64_32, i386) SIMULATOR_WATCHOS - to build for watchOS Simulator (i386) MAC - to build for macOS (x86_64) MAC_ARM64 - to build for macOS on Apple Silicon (arm64) MAC_CATALYST - to build iOS for Mac (Catalyst, x86_64)
** Access Same C++ library from multiple services
** Access Same class from deferent name space
** Create sample with exaplaination how to create libary with xcode
** How to create c++ libary for deferent architecture