A front-end clone of SoundCloud's sidebar service
- https://github.com/sosacloud/comment-service.git
- https://github.com/sosacloud/music-player-service.git
The relatedTracks view displays three tracks and their related information. Although the api can handle a track parameter provided in a call to the api, the relationship logic behind what constitutes a related track has been left undefined and three random tracks are retrieved from the database as a default.
GET '/api/track/:id' - Retrieves information for a specific track
GET '/api/user/:user_name' - Retrieves user information for a specific user
GET '/api/track/likes/:track_id' - Retrieves ids of users who have liked the specified track
GET '/api/track/reposts/:track_id' - Retrieves ids of users who have reposted specified track
GET '/api/playlists/:track_id' - Retrieves no more than 3 playlists that contain the specified track
From within the root directory: npm install