The following repo contains the database search systems used for the analysis provided in our paper "Benchmarking Database Search Systems: a DB-NL Perspective".
If you use THOR code, please cite the following work:
O. Gkini, T. Belmpas, G. Koutrika, Y. Ioannidis. An In-Depth Benchmarking of Text-to-SQL Systems. ACM SIGMOD 2021.
- discover/ ->
Discover: Keyword Search in Relational Databases
- discoverIR/ ->
EfficientIR-style Keyword Search over Relational Databases
- expressq2/ ->
Constructing an Interactive Natural Language Interface for Relational Databases
- spark/ ->
Spark: Top-k Keyword Query in Relational Databases.
- NaLIR/ ->
Answering Keyword Queries involving Aggregates and GROUPBY on Relational Databases.
- sharedlib/ -> A library shared by all systems (except
) used for database management and utility functions. This folder also contains the query generator
The systems run on any MySQL database without any preprocessing steps, except NaLIR
. For the latter, the procedure for setting it up is described by their authors in a readme file inside the folder. Take into consideration that the MySQL database must have some FULLTEXT
indexes to enable the systems to search terms in the database. We have a java class IndexCreator that can create indexes with configurations provided by the user. Or you can visit the mysql FULLTEXT documentation for more information.
Each of the above folders have a gradle wrapper so by using ./gradlew run
the systems will start their command prompt interface.
Then each system will be waiting for an input consisting of 3 (or 4) things:
- The query
- The database to search
- The number of results
Insert each one of the above with followed by an enter
. You will see that the systems request input when printing an <input>
line (which is also printed when input was received successfully). The systems run in a loop so to stop them use CTRL^C