Check locally if password is in HaveIBeenPawned Database
Today, another dump of email/password combinations became pubic termed Collection #1 in
It is easy to search HaveIBeenPawned for your email address but that will almost surely show up everywhere. The question is if your passwords are there as well (at least the ones for important sites, as I am sure we are all using different passwords for different sites....). So you want to check if your password has become public.
Of your you don't want to ask anybody if your password is in the list because that would mean you have to tell somebody your password. You rather want to check that yourself (do it locally on your own computer).
Luckily, HaveIBeenPawned offers an API for that (see ) The idea is to locally compute the SHA-1 hash of your password and send only the first five charaters to the site which returns with all the hashes it has passwords of starting with those five characters.
This perl script automates this and compares your locally computed hash to those in the database.
To run
chmod a+x ./
It runs in a infinite loop until you enter an empty password.