Apie is a suite of composer packages to work with domain objects. It tries to aim to follow a Domain-objects-first approach and not a database first approach that you find in many PHP frameworks nowadays.
Apie is very opinionated what a domain object is but following this opinion leads to some easy tooling in processing domain objects in a automated way instead of giving the programmer too many options.
Also since PHP 8.1 everything should be typehinted, which means a lot more can be automated.
The roadmap is visible on Github at https://github.com/orgs/apie-lib/projects/1/views/1. I try to get a stable 1.0 release. You are now displaying the main branch, which contains a very old version
Some tooling possible with APIE:
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Faking domain objects | For tests or seeding databases faking objects with proper contents is never made easier. If the faker enters wrong data, then it means your domain object is wrong. |
Restful API (WIP) | Create a full REST API by checking your Domain Objects. |
Creating Entities (WIP) | Doctrine is awesome, but using Doctrine entities result in a few problems if you try to process them as domain objects. We try to make a package to automatically convert domain objects in a doctrine database or viceversa. |
Naked Objects (WIP) | Creates a full CRUD for your Domain Objects. And again: if the interface sucks, then probably your domain object is wrong. |
You should read the introduction how Apie wants you to write domain objects and how it will help you in getting a quick