A Python 2 wrapper for the Bitso API
>>> import bitso
>>> api = bitso.Api()
>>> import bitso
>>> api = bitso.Api(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
## Order books available on Bitso
>>> books = api.available_books()
>>> books
>>> books.btc_mxn
>>> books.btc_mxn.minimum_amount
## Ticker information
## Parameters
## [book] - Specifies which book to use
## - string
>>> tick = api.ticker('btc_mxn')
>>> tick
Ticker(ask=7866.27, bid=7795.00, high=7866.27, last=7866.27, low=7707.43, datetime=2016-04-22 16:46:25, vwaplow=7795.00)
>>> tick.last
>>> tick.created_at
datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 22, 16, 46, 53)
## Public order book
## Parameters
## [book] - Specifies which book to use
## - string
## [aggregate = True] - Group orders with the same price
## - boolean
>>> ob = api.order_book('btc_mxn')
>>> ob.updated_at
atetime.datetime(2016, 12, 13, 22, 54, 2, tzinfo=tzutc())
>>> ob.bids
[PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=3160.00, amount=0.63966069),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=2959.00, amount=0.72143122),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=2850.00, amount=3.00000000),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=2750.00, amount=1.00000000),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=2500.12, amount=45.00000000),
>>> ob.asks
[PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=8000.00, amount=48.37402966),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=8160.00, amount=0.12340000),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=9000.00, amount=40.00000000),
PublicOrder(book=btc_mxn,price=9160.00, amount=0.76500000)
## Public trades
## Parameters
## [book = 'btc_mxn'] - Specifies which book to use
## - str
## [marker = None] - Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort’) than the object with this ID
## - str
## [sort = 'desc'] - Specifies ordering direction of returned objects (asc, desc)
## - str
## [limit = '25'] - Specifies number of objects to return. (Max is 100)
## - str
>>> trades = api.trades('btc_mxn')
>>> trades
[Trade(tid=1602, price=3160.00, amount=0.00797922, maker_side=buy, created_at=2016-12-13 21:32:05+00:00),
Trade(tid=1601, price=3160.00, amount=0.01000000, maker_side=buy, created_at=2016-12-13 21:32:05+00:00),
Trade(tid=1600, price=8000.00, amount=0.00312500, maker_side=sell, created_at=2016-12-13 21:32:04+00:00),
Trade(tid=1599, price=8000.00, amount=0.01008572, maker_side=sell, created_at=2016-12-13 21:32:04+00:00),
>>> trades[0].price
>>> trades[0].amount
>>> trades[0].created_at
datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 13, 21, 32, 5, tzinfo=tzutc())
Private endpoints are used to manage your account and your orders. These requests must be signed with your Bitso credentials
>>> import bitso
>>> api = bitso.Api(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
## Your account status
>>> status = api.account_status()
>>> status.daily_limit
>>> status.daily_remaining
## Your account balances
>>> balances = api.balances()
>>> balances
>>> balances.currencies
[u'btc', u'etc', u'eth', u'mxn']
>>> balances.btc.name
>>> balances.btc.available
## Your trade fees
>>> fees = api.fees()
>>> fees
>>> fees.books
[u'btc_mxn', u'eth_mxn']
>>> fees.btc_mxn
Fee(book=btc_mxn, fee_percent=0.0000)
>>> fees.btc_mxn.fee_percent
>>> fees.withdrawal_fees
>>> fees.withdrawal_fees.btc
## A ledger of your historic operations.
## Parameters
## [marker] - Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort’) than the object with this ID
## - string
## [limit = 25] - Limit result to that many transactions
## - int
## [sort = 'desc'] - Sorting by datetime
## - string - 'asc' or
## - 'desc'
>>> ledger = api.ledger()
>>> ledger
[<bitso.models.LedgerEntry at 0x10d4fdc50>,
<bitso.models.LedgerEntry at 0x10d4fd550>,
<bitso.models.LedgerEntry at 0x10d5c4d90>,
<bitso.models.LedgerEntry at 0x10d5c4bd0>,
<bitso.models.LedgerEntry at 0x10d5c4550>,
>>> ledger[0].operation
>>> ledger[1].operation
>>> ledger[1].balance_updates
[BalanceUpdate(currency=mxn, amount=25.21433520,
BalanceUpdate(currency=btc, amount=-0.00797922]
>>> ledger[1].balance_updates[0].amount
## Detailed info on your fund withdrawals.
## Parameters
## [wids] - Specifies which withdrawal objects to return by IDs
## - list
## [marker] - Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort’) than the object with this ID
## - string
## [limit = 25] - Limit result to that many transactions
## - int
## [sort = 'desc'] - Sorting by datetime
## - string - 'asc' or
## - 'desc'
>>> withdrawals = api.withdrawals()
>>> withdrawals
[Withdrawal(wid=019e8f42da7eb0e44bf5ce0013475058, amount=0.001, currency=btc),
Withdrawal(wid=efa28b88e326619d91ba809a82e1282b, amount=0.001, currency=btc),
Withdrawal(wid=9bbde562c7de3e0c5315993a944d3873, amount=0.001, currency=btc),
Withdrawal(wid=e19b33a5ec2606e8a25963ceea9d2254, amount=0.001, currency=btc),
Withdrawal(wid=b76af418eb94c61b72c6bb20d316e115, amount=0.001, currency=btc),
>>> withdrawals[0].status
>>> withdrawals[0].method
>>> withdrawals[0].amount
## Detailed info on your fundings.
## Parameters
## [fids] - Specifies which funding objects to return by IDs
## - list
## [marker] - Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort’) than the object with this ID
## - string
## [limit = 25] - Limit result to that many transactions
## - int
## [sort = 'desc'] - Sorting by datetime
## - string - 'asc' or
## - 'desc'
>>> fundings = api.fundings()
>>> fundings
[Funding(fid=4e28aa988a74d8b9868f400a18d00910, amount=49596.65217865, currency=mxn),
Funding(fid=3799c39ea8f1ccf6e6bbcaea1a0cbed1, amount=8.12500000, currency=btc)]
>>> fundings[0].status
>>> fundings[0].amount
## Your trades
## Parameters
## [book = all]- Specifies which book to use
## - string
## [marker] - Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort’) than the object with this ID
## - string
## [limit = 25] - Limit result to that many transactions
## - int
## [sort = 'desc'] - Sorting by datetime
## - string - 'asc' or
## - 'desc'
>>> utx = api.user_trades()
>>> utx
[UserTrade(tid=1610, book=btc_mxn, price=3160.00, major=-0.00797922, minor=25.21433520),
UserTrade(tid=1609, book=btc_mxn, price=3160.00, major=-0.01000000, minor=31.60000000),
UserTrade(tid=1608, book=btc_mxn, price=8000.00, major=0.00312500, minor=-25.00000000),
UserTrade(tid=1607, book=btc_mxn, price=8000.00, major=0.01008572, minor=-80.68576000),
>>> utx[0].type
>>> utx[0].btc
>>> txs[0].btc_mxn
>>> txs[0].rate
## Returns a list of the user’s open orders
## Parameters
## [book] - Specifies which book to use
## - str
## [marker] - Returns objects that are older or newer (depending on 'sort’) than the object with this ID
## - string
## [limit = 25] - Limit result to that many transactions
## - int
## [sort = 'desc'] - Sorting by datetime
## - string - 'asc' or
## - 'desc'
>>> oo = api.open_orders('btc_mxn')
>>> oo
[Order(oid=s5ntlud6oupippk8iigw5dazjdxwq5vibjcwdp32ksk9i4h0nyxsc8svlpscuov5, side=buy, price=7000.00, original_amount=0.01000000, created_datetime=2016-04-22 14:31:10)]
>>> oo[0].price
>>> oo[0].oid
## Returns a list of details for 1 or more orders
## Parameters
## order_ids - A list of Bitso Order IDs.
## - string
>>> orders = api.lookup_order([ORDER_ID1, ORDER_ID2])
>>> orders
[Order(oid=s0ntlud6oupippk8iigw5dazjdxwq5vibjcwdp12ksk9i4h0nyxsc8svlpscuov5, side=buy, price=7000.00, original_amount=0.01000000, created_datetime=2016-04-22 14:31:10),
Order(oid=whtyptv0f348fajdydoswcf6cj20d0kahd77657l7ctnnd1lrpdn2suebwfpxz0f, side=buy, price=7200.00, original_amount=0.01200000, created_datetime=2016-04-22 14:32:10)]
## Cancels an open order
## Parameters
## order_id - A Bitso Order ID.
## - string
>>> api.cancel_order(ORDER_ID)
u'true' #on success
## Places a buy limit order.
## [book] - Specifies which book to use (btc_mxn, eth_mxn)
## - str
## [side] - the order side (buy, sell)
## - str
## [order_type] - the order type (limit, market)
## - str
## amount - Amount of major currency to buy.
## - string
## major - The amount of major currency for this order. An order must be specified in terms of major or minor, never both.
## - string. Major denotes the cryptocurrency, in our case Bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH).
## minor - The amount of minor currency for this order. Minor denotes fiat currencies, in our case Mexican Peso (MXN)
## - string
## price - Price per unit of major. For use only with limit orders
## - string
>>> order = api.place_order(book='btc_mxn', side='buy', order_type='limit', major='.01', price='7000.00')
>>> order
## Gets a Funding destination address to fund your account
## fund_currency - Specifies the currency you want to fund your account with (btc, eth, mxn)
## - str
>>> fd = api.funding_destination('btc')
>>> fd
FundingDestination(account_identifier_name=Bitcoin address)
## Returns a FundingDestination object
>>> fd.account_identifier
## account_identifier attribute is the address you can use to fund your account
## Triggers a bitcoin withdrawal from your account
## amount - The amount of BTC to withdraw from your account
## - string
## address - The Bitcoin address to send the amount to
## - string
>>> api.btc_withdrawal('14', '0x55f03a62acc946dedcf8a0c47f16ec3892b29e6d')
ok # Returns 'ok' on success
## Triggers a bitcoin withdrawal from your account
## amount - The amount of BTC to withdraw from your account
## - string
## address - The Bitcoin address to send the amount to
## - string
>>> api.eth_withdrawal('1.10', '1TVXn5ajmMQEbkiYNobgHVutVtMWcNZGV')
ok # Returns 'ok' on success
## Triggers a ripple withdrawal from your account
## currency - The currency to withdraw
## - string
## amount - The amount of BTC to withdraw from your account
## - string
## address - The ripple address to send the amount to
## - string
>>> api.ripple_withdrawal('xrp', '1.10', 'rG1QQv2nh2gr7RCZ1P8YYcBUKCCN633jCn')
ok # Returns 'ok' on success
## Triggers a SPEI withdrawal from your account. These withdrawals are
## immediate during banking hours (M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM Mexico City Time).
## amount - The amount of MXN to withdraw from your account
## - string
## recipient_given_names - The recipient’s first and middle name(s)
## - string
## recipient_family_names - The recipient’s last name)
## - string
## clabe - The CLABE number where the funds will be sent to
## - string
## notes_ref - The alpha-numeric reference number for this SPEI
## - string
## numeric_ref - The numeric reference for this SPEI
## - string
>>> api.spei_withdrawal(amount='3500.0', first_names='Satoshi', last_names='Nakamoto', clabe=CLABE, notes_ref=NOTES_REF, numeric_ref=NUMERIC_REF)
ok # Returns 'ok' on success
Access to this API is available on request, and not enabled by default. Users won’t be able to use this API unless Bitso has enabled it on their account. API Docs
Bitso’s powerful Transfer API allows for simple integration for routing Bitcoin payments directly through to a choice of Mexican Peso end-points.
The workflow is as follows:
## Request quote
>>> quote = api.transfer_quote(amount='25.0', currency='MXN')
## Create transfer using quote
>>> transfer = api.transfer_create(amount='25.0', currency='MXN', rate=quote.rate, payment_outlet='vo', email_address='[email protected]', recipient_given_name='mario romero')
## Send bitcoins to address given
>>> print transfer.wallet_address
## Check Transfer status, after 1 confirmation, pesos are delivered
>>> print api.transfer_status(transfer.id).status
## Get a quote for a transfer for various Bitso Outlets.
## btc_amount - Mutually exclusive with amount. Either this, or amount should
## be present in the request. The total amount in Bitcoins, as
## provided by the user. NOTE: The amount is in BTC format
## (900mbtc = .9 BTC).
## - string
## amount - Mutually exclusive with btc_amount. Either this, or btc_amount
## should be present in the request. The total amount in Fiat currency.
## Use this if you prefer specifying amounts in fiat instead of BTC.
## - string
## currency - An ISO 4217 fiat currency symbol (ie, "MXN"). If btc_amount is
## provided instead of amount, this is the currency to which the BTC
## price will be converted into. Otherwise, if amount is specified
## instead of btc_amount, this is the currency of the specified amount.
## - string
>>> quote = api.transfer_quote(amount='25.0', currency='MXN')
>>> print quote
TransactionQuote(btc_amount=0.00328834, currency=MXN, rate=7602.60, created_at=2016-05-03 00:33:06, expires_at=2016-05-03 00:34:06, gross=25.00)
>>> quote.btc_amount
>>> quote.outlets.keys()
[u'sp', u'rp', u'vo', u'bw', u'pm']
>>> quote.outlets['vo']
{u'available': True,
u'daily_limit': Decimal('0.00'),
u'fee': Decimal('0.00'),
u'id': u'vo',
u'maximum_transaction': Decimal('9999.00'),
u'minimum_transaction': Decimal('25.00'),
u'name': u'Voucher',
u'net': Decimal('25.00'),
u'optional_fields': [],
u'required_fields': {u'email_address': {u'id': u'email_address',
u'name': u'Email Address'},
u'recipient_given_name': {u'id': u'recipient_given_name', u'name': u''}},
u'verification_level_requirement': u'0'}
## Get a quote for a transfer for various Bitso Outlets.
## btc_amount - Mutually exclusive with amount. Either this, or amount should
## be present in the request. The total amount in Bitcoins, as
## provided by the user. NOTE: The amount is in BTC format
## (900mbtc = .9 BTC).
## - string
## amount - Mutually exclusive with btc_amount. Either this, or btc_amount
## should be present in the request. The total amount in Fiat currency.
## Use this if you prefer specifying amounts in fiat instead of BTC.
## - string
## currency - An ISO 4217 fiat currency symbol (ie, "MXN"). If btc_amount is
## provided instead of amount, this is the currency to which the BTC
## price will be converted into. Otherwise, if amount is specified
## instead of btc_amount, this is the currency of the specified amount.
## - string
## rate - This is the rate (e.g. BTC/MXN), as acquired from the
## transfer_quote method. You must request a quote in this way before
## creating a transfer.
## - string
## payment_outlet - The outlet_id as provided by quote method.
## - string
## required fields parameters - Each of the other 'required_fields',
## as stipulated in the TransferQuote for the chosen payment_outlet.
## - string
>>> transfer = api.transfer_create(amount='25.0', currency='MXN', rate=quote.rate, payment_outlet='vo', email_address='[email protected]', recipient_given_name='satoshi nakamoto')
>>> print transfer
TransactionQuote(btc_amount=0.00328834, currency=MXN, rate=7602.60, created_at=2016-05-03 00:33:06, expires_at=2016-05-03 00:34:06, gross=25.00)
>>> transfer.btc_amount
>>> quote.wallet_address
## Request status for a transfer order
## transfer_id - Bitso Transfer Order ID (As returned by transfer_create
## method.
## - string
>>> print api.transfer_status(transfer.id).status
WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. Bitso's Websocket API allows a continuous connection that will receive updates according to the client's subscribed channels.
- 'trades': will send updates on each new registered trade.
- 'diff-orders': will send across any modifications to the order book. Specifically, any state changes in existing orders (including orders not in the top 20), and any new orders.
- 'orders': maintains an up-to-date list of the top 20 asks and the top 20 bids, new updates are sent across the channel whenever there is a change in either top 20.
Prints every trade.
from bitso import websocket
class BasicBitsoListener(websocket.Listener):
def on_connect(self):
print "Connected"
def on_update(self, data):
for obj in data.updates:
print obj
if __name__ == '__main__':
listener = BasicBitsoListener()
client = websocket.Client(listener)
channels = ['trades']
book = 'btc_mxn'
client.connect(channels, book)
> python examples/ws_trades.py
TradeUpdate(tid=96093, amount=0.00296048, rate=8444.56,value=25)
TradeUpdate(tid=96094, amount=0.0568058, rate=8444.56,value=479.7)
TradeUpdate(tid=96095, amount=0.45721742, rate=8444.56,value=3861)
TradeUpdate(tid=96096, amount=1.25176796, rate=8335.88,value=10434.58)
TradeUpdate(tid=96097, amount=0.75948406, rate=8335.83,value=6330.93)
TradeUpdate(tid=96098, amount=0.38027314, rate=8334.31,value=3169.31)
TradeUpdate(tid=96099, amount=0.54340182, rate=8329.95,value=4526.5)
TradeUpdate(tid=96100, amount=0.44632784, rate=8323.59,value=3715.04)
TradeUpdate(tid=96101, amount=0.03216174, rate=8322.31,value=267.65)
TradeUpdate(tid=96102, amount=2.92387591, rate=8318.13,value=24321.17)
TradeUpdate(tid=96103, amount=0.27482146, rate=8313.96,value=2284.85)
TradeUpdate(tid=96104, amount=1.33065393, rate=8312,value=11060.39)
TradeUpdate(tid=96105, amount=0.70166614, rate=8310.66,value=5831.3)
TradeUpdate(tid=96106, amount=0.11416146, rate=8434.37,value=962.88)
Gets a copy of the order book via the rest API once, and keeps it up to date using the 'diff-orders' channel. Logs every order, spread update, or trade.
See examples/livebookexample.py
> python examples/livebookexample.py
2016-05-09 20:17:32,232 - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): bitso.com
2016-05-09 20:17:33,118 - INFO - Order Book Fetched. Best ask: 8434.3700, Best bid: 8351.3000, Spread: 83.0700
2016-05-09 20:17:33,589 - INFO - Websocket Connection Established
2016-05-09 20:17:33,711 - INFO - Best ask: 8434.3700, Best bid: 8351.3000, Spread: 83.0700
2016-05-09 20:22:30,301 - INFO - New Order. ask: 0.0000 @ 8434.3700 = 0.0000
2016-05-09 20:22:30,306 - INFO - Removed price level at: 8434.3700
2016-05-09 20:22:30,306 - INFO - Best ask: 8440.0000, Best bid: 8351.3000, Spread: 88.7000
2016-05-09 20:22:31,021 - INFO - New Order. ask: 0.1000 @ 8492.9700 = 849.2900
2016-05-09 20:22:31,022 - INFO - Best ask: 8440.0000, Best bid: 8351.3000, Spread: 88.7000
The wrapper uses models to represent data structures returned by the Bitso API.
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
symbol | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
minimum_amount | Decimal | Minimum amount of major when placing orders | Major |
maximum_amount | Decimal | Maximum amount of major when placing orders | Major |
minimum_price | Decimal | Minimum price when placing orders | Minor |
maximum_price | Decimal | Maximum price when placing orders | Minor |
minimum_value | Decimal | Minimum value amount (amount*price) when placing orders | Minor |
maximum_value | Decimal | Maximum value amount (amount*price) when placing orders | Minor |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
books | list | symbols for each book available | - |
btc_mxn | bitso.Book | btc_mxn bitso.Book Object | - |
eth_mxn | bitso.Book | eth_mxn bitso.Book Object | - |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
name | String | Field name that will be user for “account_creation” endpoint | |
description | String | Describes each field |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
book | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
ask | Decimal | Lowest sell order | Minor/Major |
bid | Decimal | Highest buy order | Minor/Major |
last | Decimal | Last traded price | Minor/Major |
high | Decimal | Last 24 hours price high | Minor/Major |
low | Decimal | Last 24 hours price low | Minor/Major |
vwap | Decimal | Last 24 hours price high | Minor/Major |
volume | Decimal | Last 24 hours volume | Major |
created_at | Datetime | Ticker current datetime |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
book | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
price | Decimal | Price per unit of major | Minor |
amount | Decimal | Major amount in order | Major |
created_at | Datetime | The datetime at which the order was created | |
updated_at | Datetime | The datetime at which the order was updated (Can be None) |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
asks | List | List of open asks | Minor/Major |
bids | List | List of open bids | Minor/Major |
created_at | Datetime | OrderBook current datetime |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
name | String | Currency name | |
total | Decimal | Total balance for currency | Currency |
locked | Decimal | Currency balance locked in open orders | Currency |
available | Decimal | Currency balance available for use | Currency |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
currencies | list | name for each currency | - |
mxn | bitso.Balance | mxn bitso.Balance Object | - |
btc | bitso.Balance | btc bitso.Balance Object | - |
eth | bitso.Balance | eth bitso.Balance Object | - |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
book | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
fee_decimal | Decimal | Customer trading fee as a decimal | |
fee_percent | Decimal | Customer trading fee as a percentage |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
books | list | name for each book | - |
btc_mxn | bitso.Fee | btc_mxn bitso.Fee Object | - |
eth_mxn | bitso.Fee | eth_mxn bitso.Fee Object | - |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
tid | Long | Trade ID | |
book | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
amount | Decimal | Major amount transacted | Major |
price | Decimal | Price per unit of major | Minor |
side | String | Indicates the maker order side (maker order is the order that was open on the order book) | |
created_at | Datetime | Datetime at which the trade was executed |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
wid | String | Withdrawal ID | |
currency | String | Currency withdrawn symbol | |
method | String | Method for this withdrawal (MXN, BTC, ETH) | |
amount | Decimal | The withdrawn amount | currency |
status | String | The status for this withdrawal (pending, complete, cancelled) | |
created_at | Datetime | Datetime at which the withdrawal as created | |
details | Dict | Specific withdrawal details) |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
fid | String | Funding ID | |
currency | String | Currency funding symbol | |
method | String | Method for this funding (MXN, BTC, ETH) | |
amount | Decimal | The funding amount | currency |
status | String | The status for this funding (pending, complete, cancelled) | |
created_at | Datetime | Datetime at which the funding as recieved | |
details | Dict | Specific funding details |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
tid | Long | Trade ID | |
oid | String | Users’ Order ID | |
book | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
side | String | Indicates the user’s side for this trade (buy, sell) | |
created_at | Datetime | Datetime at which the trade was executed | |
major | Decimal | Major amount traded | Major |
minor | Decimal | Minor amount traded | Minor |
price | Decimal | Price per unit of major | Minor |
fees_currency | String | Indicates the currency in which the trade fee was charged | |
fees_amount | Decimal | Indicates the amount charged as trade fee | Major |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
eid | String | Entry ID | |
operation | String | Indicates type of operation (funding, withdrawal, trade, fee) | |
created_at | Datetime | Timestamp at which the operation was recorded | |
balance_updates | List | Updates to user balances for this operation | |
details | Dict | Specific operation details |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
currency | String | Currency for this balance update | |
balance | Decimal | Amount added or subtracted to user balance | Currency |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
oid | String | The Order ID | |
book | String | Order book symbol | Major_Minor |
type | String | The order type (market, limit) | |
side | String | The order side (buy, sell) | |
status | String | The order’s status (open, partial-fill, closed)) | |
created_at | Datetime | The date the order was created | |
updated_at | Datetime | Timestamp at which the order was updated (can be None) | |
price | Decimal | The order’s price | Minor |
amount | Decimal | The order’s major currency amount | Major |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
account_identifier_name | String | Account identifier name to fund with the specified currency. | |
account_identifier | String | Identifier to where the funds can be sent to |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
btc_amount | Decimal | The total amount in Bitcoins | Major |
currency | String | An ISO 4217 fiat currency symbol (ie, “MXN”). | |
gross | Decimal | ||
rate | Decimal | This major/manor rate (e.g. BTC/MXN) | |
outlets | Dictionary | Dictionary of Bitso Outlet options | |
created_at | Datetime | The date the quote was created | |
expires_at | Datetime | The date the quote will expire |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
btc_amount | Decimal | The total amount in BTC | BTC |
btc_pending | Decimal | Unconfirmed BTC, seen by Bitso servers | BTC |
btc_received | Decimal | Confirmed BTC seen by Bitso servers | BTC |
confirmation_code | String | ||
currency | String | An ISO 4217 fiat currency symbol (ie, “MXN”). | |
currency_amount | Decimal | ||
currency_settled | Decimal | ||
currency_fees | Decimal | ||
fields | Dictionary | Required fields for Pyament Outlet | |
created_at | Datetime | The date the transfer was created | |
expires_at | Datetime | The date the transfer order will expire | |
id | String | Transfer Order ID | |
payment_outlet_id | String | Payment Outlet ID | |
qr_img_uri | String | Bitcoin payment QR Code URI | |
user_uri | String | Transfer Order URI | |
wallet_address | String | Bitcoin address you will send BTC to |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
datetime | Datetime | Order Date/Time | |
side | String | 'bid','ask' | Market side |
rate | Decimal | Order price | Minor |
amount | Decimal | Major currency amount | Major |
value | Decimal | Total Order Value (amount*rate) | Minor |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
tid | Int | Trade ID | |
rate | Decimal | Order price | Minor |
amount | Decimal | Major currency amount | Major |
value | Decimal | Total Order Value (amount*rate) | Minor |
Atribute | Type | Description | Units |
channel | String | ('diff-orders', 'trades', 'orders') | |
updates | List | List of (TradeUpdate or OrderUpdate) objects |
Major denotes the cryptocurrency, in our case Bitcoin (BTC).
Minor denotes fiat currencies such as Mexican Peso (MXN), etc
An order book is always referred to in the API as "Major_Minor". For example: "btc_mxn"
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