Plugins to add Joomla 3.0 advanced options to Joomla 2.5 modules. Thanks Paulo Griiettner for the idea...
- Install the
- Enable the installed plugins
- system -> modadvancedsettings
- content -> modadvancedsettings
- Update your template, adding new html5 (or others) chrome style
- Configure the modules you want
- module_tag: Change the module's html tag
- bootstrap_size: When using Twitter Bootstrap, you can specify how many columns should use
- header_tag: Change the header tag
- header_class: Change the header css class
- module_style: Change the module chrome style, overriding what was specified in template
To use the advanced settings, update the _yourtemplate_path_/html/modules.php file, adding this chrome style:
function modChrome_html5($module, &$params, &$attribs)
$moduleTag = $params->get('module_tag', 'div');
$headerTag = htmlspecialchars($params->get('header_tag', 'h3'));
$bootstrapSize = (int) $params->get('bootstrap_size', 0);
$moduleClass = $bootstrapSize != 0 ? ' span' . $bootstrapSize : '';
if (!empty ($module->content)) : ?>
<<?php echo $moduleTag; ?> class="moduletable<?php echo htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx')); ?><?php echo $moduleClass; ?>">
<?php if ((bool) $module->showtitle) :?>
<<?php echo $headerTag; ?> class="<?php echo $params->get('header_class'); ?>"><?php echo $module->title; ?></<?php echo $headerTag; ?>>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $module->content; ?>
</<?php echo $moduleTag; ?>>
<?php endif;
The plugin will automaticaly detect that change into any template and show it into params.
To be able to use this plugin, we added an override for the native JModuleHelper class. The original class inside Joomla's library folder is not touched. So you can update your Joomla without problem. If these plugins stop to work after a future Joomla Update, we just need to add a new modified class to override it for the new version.