Toolkit for Angular apps on the Availity platform.
The Availity Toolkit assembles several Availity projects that make developing for the Availity platform easier. These projects include:
Follow the above links to see more information about each project.
We encourage you to organize your project files by feature.
├── orders/
| ├── tests/
| | └──orders-directive-spec.js
| | └──orders-service-spec.js
| ├── templates/
| | └──orders-template.html
| ├── orders-directive.js
| ├── orders-controller.js
| └── orders-service.js
├── users/
| ├── tests/
| | └──users-directive-spec.js
| | └──users-service-spec.js
| ├── templates/
| | └──users-template.html
│ ├── users-directive.js
│ ├── users-controller.js
| └── order-service.js
├── home/
| ├── templates/
│ | └── home-template.html
| ├── home-controller.js
├── controllers/
│ ├── homeController.js
│ └──loginController.js
├── directives/
│ ├── usersDirective.js
│ └──ordersDirective.js
├── services/
│ ├── userService.js
│ ├── orderService.js
│ └──loginService.js
│ ├── home.html
│ └── login.html
The Availity Toolkit uses Gulp to automate your workflow. You should have installed Gulp when you installed Availity Command-line (CLI). You can verify by opening a terminal or command prompt and typing:
availity doctor
You should see output like this:
Checking for bower . . . OK
Checking for gulp . . . OK
Checking for git . . . OK
If you don't see "OK" for each line in the output, please install the required tools before proceeding with the Availity Toolkit.
To use gulp, you type (in a terminal or command prompt) gulp
and then the name of the task you wish to run. If you want to run a task named "foo" for example, you would type:
gulp foo
If you don't specify a task, a task named "default" will run. This is normally how you will use Gulp.
See below for all the available tasks and what they do.
Runs the default task, which runs these tasks:
- less
- build
- copy
- server:sync
- watch
gulp build
Builds your latest code for development.
gulp dist
Packages your code for distribution.
Pulls down the latest Availity configuration files from the Availity Git repository.
gulp less
Compiles your Less code to CSS.
gulp lint
The term "lint" applies to software that reviews your source code for issues; see for more information. This task reviews your JavaScript code using the rules specified in .jshintrc
, .jshintignore
, and jscsrc
gulp publish
Publishes code to the NPM and Bower repositories.
gulp readme
Creates this README file.
gulp server:rest
Starts the Availity Ekko server, which is a REST mock server that the Availity Ekko module provides.
gulp server:sync
Synchronizes your browser with any code changes you make (as soon as you save them). When you have this task set to automatically run (as the default task does), you will see your code changes automatically reflected in your browser without switching to your browser and reloading the page.
gulp watch
Watches the code on your file system for any changes and triggers the necessary tasks for your code changes to synchronize to your browser. Note that this command continues to watch until you stop it by pressing Control+C.
Robert McGuinness
Robert Warner
Copyright (c) 2015 Availity, LLC