Unfortunately netflix has stopped issuing new developer api keys: https://techcrunch.com/2013/03/08/netflix-stops-issuing-api-keys-to-new-developers-effectively-ending-its-developer-program/ I haven't tested if the api endpoint are still available or now.
pyflix2 is a BSD licensed python module for accessing netflix API (both v1 and v2) Netflix provides REST interfaces to access it's catalog and various user data. This module exposes easy to use object oriented interfaces that is inteded to make it even easier for python programmers to use.
Installing requests is simple with pip:
$ pip install pyflix2
or, with easy_install:
$ easy_install pyflix2
from pyflix2 import * netflix = NetflixAPIV2( 'appname', 'key', 'shared_secret') movies = netflix.title_autocomplete('Terminator', filter='instant') for title in movies['autocomplete']['title']: print title user = netflix.get_user('use_id', 'access_token', 'access_token_secret') reco = user.get_reccomendations() for movie in reco['recommendations']: print movie['title']['regular']
- Note
- Here
needs to be obtained from: http://developer.netflix.com/apps/mykeys. - The
needs to be obtained programmatically usingget_request_token
- Here
$ python -mpyflix2 -s 'the matrix' -x
Or see help:
$ python -mpyflix2 -h
- Supports both V1 and V2 of netflix REST API
- Supports both out-of-bound (oauth 1.0a) and vanila three legged oauth auhentication
- Provides easy to use and well documented functional interface for all the API exposed by netflix
- Throws Exception for all kinds of error situation making it easier to integrate with other program
- V1 and V2 APIs are exposed using different classes, so version specific features can be used easily
- Internally uses Requests for making HTTP calls
- Want any new feature? please file a feature request
Documentation: http://pyflix2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
Note: I would like to thank Kirsten Jones for the library http://code.google.com/p/pyflix/ As pyflix2 was initially inspired by pyflix.
- Requires
module minimumv1.1.0
- Install latest version of requests-oauthlib:
pip install -U git+git://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib.git