This app is a simple email microservice built using Laravel 6, Vue 2 and, Vuetify 2. The app sends an email to the recipient's email through the following:
- API's endpoint
- Frontend
The app utilizes the two email service providers:
- MailJet
- SendGrid
Note: At the moment, the app supports only one recipient's email address when sending an email.
- Post request to send an email:
- Post request to register the user:
- Post request to generate forgot password token:
- Post request to reset password with the token:
The purpose of using the two email service providers is to utilize one service as a default and the other as a fallback service(which can be set under the config/mail.php).
Note: The app has the flexibility to accept more than one fallback service.
- Run following commands:
git clone
composer install
cp .env.example .env
npm install
php artisan migrate
Run the following command:
git clone
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer install
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
docker-compose exec app php artisan config:cache
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
As a final step, visit http://your_server_ip in the browser
Note: Create a user for MySQL
The app first tries to send an email with whatever the default email service provider is set under the config/mail.php:
'service' => env('DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE', 'MailJet'),
Note: DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE variable value should be the exact name of any class defined under [site.url]/app/Interfaces/EmailInterface/Implementations/[file].php
The fallback email services are defined under the 'fallbacks' array of config/mail.php file as:
'fallbacks' => [ 'SendGrid']
Note: 'fallbacks' array value should be the exact name of any class defined under [site.url]/app/Interfaces/EmailInterface/Implementations/[file].php
So if for any reason, the default email service provider is down, the App changes the default email service provider from any fallback service list
'service' => env('DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE', 'MailJet')
'fallbacks' => ['SendGrid']
Note: One test specifically written to prove this fallback service.
Lets say, MailGun needs to be added as a fallback email service, then following are the steps to follow:
Create a class named as 'MailGun'(name the file as same as ClassName) under [site.ur]/app/Interfaces/EmailInterface/Implementations/MailGun.php. This class should implement Email Interface
Then add this class name under 'config/mail.php'
'fallbacks' => ['SendGrid', 'MailGun']
API link: [site.url]/api/v1/send/email
Headers: Content-Type => application/json
Request Type: Post
Pass the data in json format including the following fields:
- Recipient's email as: 'to'
- Email's subject as: 'subject'
- Email's message body as: 'subject'
After sending the post request with the fields, the app will first try to send an email with the default email service provider(as configured on 'config/mail.php'). If for any reason, the default service is down, the app will pick any fallback service from the array defined in the '/config.mail.php' and send an email through that.
Once the email is send, then the following actions are taken:
- API response will receive.
- The response will have the status code and the email service provider name through which the email is sent
- The record is saved on the database table 'sent_emails'
- A log entry is also created under 'laravel.log' file
Take a look at the below screenshot which shows the success response when send a request to this API endpoint using Postman.
**Note:**If invalid data is provided on send email API, an appropriate error response is returned, something similar to the screenshot below
A command is created to send an email from CLI.
Run the following command to learn about this send email command:
php artisan send:email --help
Run this command to send an email from the CLI:
php artisan send:email
Once you run the command, the CLI will prompt for the following fields:
-Recipient's email
- Email's subject
- Email's body
Something like that will appear
If you do not provide any of required fields, an error will appear on the CLI asking you for the missing fields.
With CLI, only the log entry is created(as shown in the below screenshot) when the email is sent(wont be storing the under the database).
A form is set up to compose an email.
When the email is successfully sent, following actions are taken:
- An email will be sent with either the default email service provider(if no exception is thrown) or with the fallback service
- Record gets saved to the database
- A log entry is created under 'laravel.log' file
API link: [site.url]/api/v1/register
Request Type: Post
A consumer self-service API endpoint exist to register a user. This endpoint requires the following required fields:
- User name field as: 'name'
- User email fields as: 'email'
- User's password field as: 'password'
- User's confirm password field as: 'password_confirmation'
When the user is successfully registered, the actions are taken:
A json response received which will show the success message along with the service name used to send the welcome email
User is successfully saved on the database
A welcome email is sent to the user's email just registered
Note: If user registration failed for any reason, an appropriate error response is returned as the screenshot below
API link: [site.url]/api/v1/forgot/password
Request Type: Post
An API endpoint exist to generate a token for password recovery if the user is registered with that email address.
When this API is called, following are the things that will happen:
A json response is returned with the appropriate status code and message
A password reset token is saved on the database table
Note: No email is send on forgot password API request.
Note: If invalid data is provided on forgot password api, an appropriate error response is returned, something similar to the screenshot below
API link: [site.url]/api/v1/password/reset
Request Type: Post
An API endpoint exist to reset a password based on the forgot password token.
When this API is called, following are the things that will happen:
A json response is returned with the appropriate status code and message
A password reset token entry gets deleted(once the token is utilized)
Password gets reset and saved on the database table
Note: If invalid data is provided on reset password api, an appropriate error response is returned, something similar to the screenshot below
Frontend is a single page application built using Vue and Vuetify and it composed of mainly three pages:
- Dashboard
- Compose Email
- Sent(Emails)
The Dashboard is a simple text page that describes about the application functionality.
Compose Email:
This page includes a simple form to send an email.
Sent Emails:
The page will list all the emails that have been sent successfully.