This document summarizes our learnings from an in-depth exploration of how to set up and configure Kubernetes Cluster Federation on Microsoft Azure using the Kubefed project.
Our goal is to provide instructions on how to set up Cluster Federation on Azure-hosted Kubernetes clusters, while also sharing our learnings and observations about Cluster Federation.
Summary: On balance, we do not recommend using Kubernetes Cluster Federation (Kubefed) in production scenarios.
This text was created as a way to capture the learnings of a hacking among four Microsoft employees playing around with kubernetes, specifically with the concepts behind the federation of clusters on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
The group got together for some days in Seattle and was composed by:
- Alessandro Jannuzzi - Software Development Engineering Manager, Microsoft Brazil
- Diego Protta Casati - Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft Canada
- Jeff Day - Program Manager Architect, Microsoft USA
- Michelle Cone - Software Development Engineer, Microsoft USA
Special thanks to Christoph Schittko, Software Development Engineer, Microsoft USA, for his research and assistance with this effort.
Our goal with this effort was to explore how well Kuberenetes federtion achieves the following scenarios.
Scenario: Keep services healthy by automatatically routing traffic away from unhealthy clusters.
Observation: Kubefed is not currently a viable HA solution. While it updates DNS when Kuberetes services are created and deleted, it does not update DNS when a cluster becomes unavailable. For example, when we block access to a remote cluster (or stop all the VMs in that cluster), Kubefed fails to update DNS to reflect that the service is no longer accessible on that cluster. This is possible to fix in Kubernetes/Kubefed, but as of this writing, Kubefed does not provide an HA solution. A true HA solution requires active health monitoring of each public endpoint, as provided by Azure Traffic Manager and other DNS-based solutions.
Conclusion: Kubernetes Federation Not Recommended as a high availability soluton.
Recommentation: Use a DNS traffic management solution (such as Azure Traffic Manager]( instead.
Scenario: Reduce management overhead and ensure consistency by managing all clusters from within a single Kubectl context. (We think of this as managing multiple clusters via a "single pane of glass.")
Observation: We found Kubernetes an effective and reliable method for updating multiple clusters via a single kubectl
On the other hand, Kubefed itself must be configured and managed, which increases overall complexity of the deployment.
We also learned that Kubefed automatically removes any customizations made directly on individual clusters. For example if you delete a pod on just one cluster, Kubefed will automatically restart it. This behavior assures that all clusters are kept in sync according to the configuration defined in the federated namespace.
From our perspective, it's an open question whether Kubernetes federation is really a simpler, more reliable way to manage production deployments. There are a variety of continuous delivery (CD) solutions that can be used to automate K8s deployments, and it's easy to configure deployments to multiple clusters. While you can certainly use a CD solution to deploy to federated clusters, you have to set up and maintain the federation configuration, which increases the overall complexity of your infrastructure.
In addition, the very features that make Kubefed appealing (e.g. enforcing consistent configuration across clusters) can get in the way if you want to tweak the configuration of one of your clusters during a rolling upgrade, troubleshooting, etc.
Conclusion: While Kubernetes federation works as advertised, we question whether it truly simplifies management, especially compared to the more prescriptive and flexible management achievable using continuous delivery systems. We conclude that Kubernetes federation is Not Recommended for our customers as a means of simplfying manageability.
Recommentation: Use a Continuous Delivery solution instead.
Scenario: Run applications in, or migrate them between, data centers operated by different entities, such as your own private on-premises data center, Azure, AWS and/or GCP.
Observation: While we didn't create Kubernetes clusters in AWS or GCP, we see no obstacle to have done so. A key point, however, is that Kubernetes Federation is in no way required to run clusters in different vendors.
A key consideration for using Federation is network security, as the federation controller communicates with remote clusters using the standard Kubenetes API. Many enterprises will not permit exposure of a cluster's Kubernetes API via a public IP (although the Kubernetes API is secured via TLS.) In this case, private network peering can be used so that public IPs aren't used. Such a solution would require VPN solutions.
Conclusion: Kubernetes Federation does not appear to make multi-vendor deployments any easier. If your enterprise requires VPN or similar network configuration to secure the cross-cluster communication, federation may make deployments more difficult compared to running CD tools. Net: Kuberentes federation is Not Recommended for multi-vendor deployments.
Recommendation: Use a continuous delivery (CD) solution to deploy and manage stand-alone clusters in each data center.
Understanding the topology created by Kubefed is key to understanding the solution.
The diagram shows Kubernetes clusters running in two different Azure Data Centers, but Kubefed can be used to federate 2-n clusters running in any location. For example, the following cluster topologies will work:
- Two clusters in one data center
- Clusters in different kinds of data centers, such as any combintation of on-premises (private), Azure, AWS, and/or GCP data centers
The kubefed init
command installs the Kubefed control plane software in the Federation-System namespace on one of your clusters. When you issue Kubectl commands, such as kubectl apply
or kubefed edit
, in this namespace the control plane issues the commands to all clusters participating in the federation.
Kubefed updates DNS to reflect all public endpoints defined in Kubernetes servces defined within the federated clusters.
As of this writing, Kubefed does not support Azure DNS, so we used a custom version that does so.
In a nutshell, you might be interested in federating Kubernetes clusters if you plan to run multi-cloud applications or even multi-datacenter, geo-distributed workloads within a single cloud provider.
Imagine if you have a Deployment specifying two replicas of your pods. When you deploy this yaml file to the context of the federation, one pod would run on the first Kubernetes cluster and its replica would end up running on a second cluster.
The location of the clusters is abstracted from you and in the end, everything your development team sees is a reliable API endpoint where you dispatch the manifest files for your application.
The federation is implemented by a set of components on the so-called control plane, installed in one of the Kubernetes cluster of your choice.
Once you have the control plane in place, you basically join the member clusters into the federation as participants. If you only have two clusters, the control plane can run on cluster A and you would want to have cluster A joining the federation as a member also, along with cluster B.
Then, on your client side where kubectl runs, you will need the .kube/config files from both clusters. They can be merged into a single file or you can set the environment variable KUBECONFIG in your shell to have the path for both config files.
This way you'll be able to switch contexts between cluster A, cluster B and Federation.
The federation context is where you'll deploy the yaml files of the application that will benefit from the underlying distributed architecture.
Once you do this, you will the a Deployment under the federation contexts and the individual pods under the contexts of clusters A and B.
For this application to be discovered, you will need a DNS service external to the clusters that will be able to host records generated by the federation. In this external DNS you'll have CNAMEs and A records pointing to external load balancers defined in your yaml manifests, for example.
In this example, we will describe our experience on setting up two Kubernetes clusters on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform in different regions and configuring a federation among them. We will use Azure DNS as the external DNS for the federation and describe the hacks that made it work, as Azure is still not natively supported by the federation service as a DNS provider (it will be there soon, we hope!)
The Kubernetes clusters we will use in this example will be installed through the Azure Container Services Engine (ACS Engine).
ACS Engine is a tool to generate a fully customized Azure ARM template, describing all the componentes of the Kubernetes clusters to run on Azure.
It is not the same as ACS (Azure Container Services), although ACS uses ACS Engine behind the scenes.
In this case we will get the ACS Engine tool and run it directly on the client side, which already have az (Azure client) installed and configured to the right cloud subscription.
In this example, we're using bash on Windows10, under the fantastic Linux subsystem for Windows.
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are files that describe the components to be deployed to Azure. ACS Engine uses a json as an input parameter file, generates the corresponding ARM template and gets it deployed on Azure.
You should download the latest version of the ACS Engine for your platform from here.
After login with "az login" and setting your default subscription (if you have doubts, check this), let's prepare a json file to be used with ACS Engine.
The parameters of this json file will dictate how your cluster will be provisioned and configured on Azure. We created this one and saved it as k8.json.
"apiVersion": "vlabs",
"properties": {
"orchestratorProfile": {
"orchestratorType": "Kubernetes"
"masterProfile": {
"count": 1,
"dnsPrefix": "westuscluster1",
"vmSize": "Standard_D2_v2"
"agentPoolProfiles": [
"name": "agentpool1",
"count": 2,
"vmSize": "Standard_D2_v2",
"availabilityProfile": "AvailabilitySet"
"linuxProfile": {
"adminUsername": "azureuser",
"ssh": {
"publicKeys": [
"keyData": ""
"servicePrincipalProfile": {
"clientId": "",
"secret": ""
Based on this file, westuscuster1 will be our first Kubernetes cluster, with one master and two agents.
There are other parameters we will not set in this file, but will use directly in the command line of the ACS Engine tool.
We will leave the servicePrincipalProfile
entry empty so the ACS Engine will create it automatically when running.
This k8.json file should be informed in the command line for the ACS Engine.
Here is how we've run it.
./acs-engine deploy --api-model templates/k8.json --subscription-id <my-subscription-id> --location westtus --private-key-path /home/jannuzzi/.ssh/id_rsa
This was the output after finishing successfully.
WARN[0024] --resource-group was not specified. Using the DNS prefix from the apimodel as the resource group name: westuscluster1
WARN[0033] apimodel: ServicePrincipalProfile was missing or empty, creating application...
WARN[0043] created application with applicationID (...) and servicePrincipalObjectID (...).
WARN[0044] apimodel: ServicePrincipalProfile was empty, assigning role to application...
INFO[0077] Starting ARM Deployment (westuscluster1-1172685674). This will take some time...
INFO[0475] Finished ARM Deployment (westuscluster1-1172685674). Succeeded
While this was running, we copied the k8.json file to k8cluster2.json, edited the location of the cluster to be in a different datacenter and run it again.
After both commands finished, we had our two kubernetes clusters provisioned on Azure.
One of your clusters will be the host cluster for the federation. In this case, we selected the wesuscluster1 to be the host cluster.
We will use westuscluster1 master node to be the place where kubectl will be used to manage the federation. It can be any other place where kubectl have credentials and works.
Just to make sure we can acess westuscluster1 master, we connected through ssh using the azureuser private key stored in the _output directory after acs-engine finshes its execution.
ssh -i ../../_output/westuscluster1/azureuser_rsa azureuser@<Public-IP-Master-Node>
You can get the public IP of the master node under the Azure Portal.
First thing to do is to create a DNS Zone on Azure. You can do this through the Portal, it's very intuitive. We named the zone in this example "". Once you create the zone, you'll have only the SOA and NS records and that's ok for now.
After creating the zone, you'll need a Service Principle with access to the DNS service.
That's how we created ours.
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "http://MyApp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/[your subscription id]/resourceGroups/[your resource group]
In this phase we followed this awesome hack created by our good friend and Kubernetes ninja, Christoph Schittko.
To allow kubernetes create records dynamically into the Azure DNS, you'll need to inform this configuration file when creating the federation. So, you should prepare it accordingly.
subscription-id =
tenant-id = [sp tenant]
client-id = [sp appId]
secret = [sp password]
resourceGroup = fed-dns-rg
Before creating the federation you should run the command below in the master node of your host cluster, to allow access to the federation services.
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding permissive-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=client --user=kubeconfig --group=system:serviceaccounts
The command that creates the federation is kubefed. You should download it into the master.
curl -LO${RELEASE-VERSION}/kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz
You should replace RELEASE-VERSION with the version of kubernetes you are running.
In our case, it was 1.8.11.
Tricky part: attention to the formation, in this case we had to use "v1.8.11" in the URL.
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~# kubectl get nodes
k8s-agentpool1-40902532-0 Ready agent 1h v1.8.11
k8s-agentpool1-40902532-1 Ready agent 1h v1.8.11
k8s-master-40902532-0 Ready master 1h v1.8.11
After expanding the files, we copied kubefed to the /usr/local/bin folder.
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/kubefed# tar xzvf kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz
The DNS file we prepared before should be in the master node now when creating the federation.
There is one more step before creating the federation.
You should bring to this master server the credentials to acess the other cluster. You can do this by copying the ".kube/config" file from the second cluster to here.
As we created the clusters with acs-engine, this file is also located in the "_output" directory from where you executed acs-engine.
In our case, we did it the following way:
scp -i ../westuscluster1/azureuser_rsa kubeconfig/kubeconfig.eastus.json azureuser@<IP-MASTER-NODE-FIRST-CLUSTER>:/home/azureuser/eastus.config
kubeconfig.eastus.json 100% 9815 9.6KB/s 00:00
Now you need to setup the KUBECONFIG environment variable to be able to switch between contexts (clusters).
export KUBECONFIG="/home/azureuser/eastus.config:/home/azureuser/.kube/config"
To test it, run the following command. You should be able to see both clusters now.
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~# kubectl config get-contexts
* eastuscluster1 eastuscluster1 eastuscluster1-admin
westuscluster1 westuscluster1 westuscluster1-admin
Now that we have everything in place we can create the federation using kubefed command in the following way:
kubefed init myfederation --host-cluster-context=westuscluster1 --dns-provider="azure-azuredns" --dns-zone-name="" --dns-provider-config=dns.conf --image=xtoph/hyperkube-amd64:xtoph.azuredns.2
You should replace the host cluster name and dns zone with your own information.
As Azure DNS is still in the process of being supported by kubernetes, you should inform the --image parameter above to the image containing the hack created by mr. Christoph to allow the federation services to dynamically update the Azure DNS zone. It is a hacked version of the hyberkube, with patched services.
This was the output of kubefed:
Creating a namespace federation-system for federation system components... done
Creating federation control plane service.............................................. done
Creating federation control plane objects (credentials, persistent volume claim)... done
Creating federation component deployments... done
Updating kubeconfig... done
Waiting for federation control plane to come up.............................................................. done
Federation API server is running at: <IP-Address>
Now, the command below should include the federation contexts in the output:
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/kubefed# kubectl config get-contexts
* eastuscluster1 eastuscluster1 eastuscluster1-admin
myfederation myfederation myfederation
westuscluster1 westuscluster1 westuscluster1-admin
Switch contexts to the federation and create the default namespace.
kubectl config use-context myfederation
kubectl create ns default
Now, lets include both clusters in the federation.
kubefed join westuscluster1 --host-cluster-context=westuscluster1 --cluster-context=westuscluster1
kubefed join eastuscluster1 --host-cluster-context=westuscluster1 --cluster-context=eastuscluster1
The following command can confirm if the joins were executed properly:
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/kubefed# kubectl get clusters
eastuscluster1 Ready 46s
westuscluster1 Ready 1m
We used these beautiful yaml files created by another great friend, Allan Targino for another project to test the deployment under the federation.
After downloading the files to my master node, we've run the following command:
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/yamls# kubectl create -f scenarios.yaml
deployment "calculator" created
service "calculator" created
deployment "frontend" created
service "frontend" created
The federation conext doesn't have anything else deployed besides the Deployment of this app. So, it is expected that kubectl get would return information only if we ask for "deployments".
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/yamls# kubectl get deployments
calculator 2 2 0 2 1m
frontend 2 2 0 2 1m
The two pods here shoudl be spread across the clusters.
Let's check that with the following command:
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/yamls# kubectl get rs --context=westuscluster1
calculator-75746d7576 1 1 1 6m
frontend-54f85759c8 1 1 1 6m
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/yamls# kubectl get rs --context=eastuscluster1
calculator-75746d7576 1 1 1 7m
frontend-54f85759c8 1 1 1 7m
That's exactly what we wanted: one pod per cluster, composing the desired state of having two replicas.
In order to access this test application from the outside, I created the following file for a load balancer service.
The load balancer will be provisioned by Azure and will have a public IP address so we can reach this nice little app.
Here is the manifest for the load balancer. Save it to a file and send it to kubernetes with kubectl.
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "calculatorlb"
"spec": {
"ports": [{
"port": 5001,
"targetPort": 5001
"selector": {
"app": "frontend"
"type": "LoadBalancer"
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/yamls# kubectl create -f extlb.json
service "calculatorlb" created
The provisioning of the external load balancer with a public IP address make take some seconds.
You can follow the progress with the following command:
root@k8s-master-40902532-0:~/yamls# kubectl describe service calculatorlb
Name: calculatorlb
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Selector: app=frontend
Type: LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress: <IP-ADDR>
Port: <unset> 5001/TCP
TargetPort: 5001/TCP
Endpoints: <none>
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Events: <none>
Once you see a public IP address in place, open your browser and access the following URL:
You should see the message "Welcome to Calculator service!".
Now you can play with this app just like this:
Check it out! Nice little test app!
By this time, the DNS zone should be populated with A and CNAME records.
If your DNS is reacheble in the Internet, feel free to call your service by name!
Kubernetes federation is an interesting concept but you should be clear on what you're trying to solve by using it.
We think it is important to ask questions like:
- What I am trying to achieve with federation? (avoid vendor lock-in? HA? Manageability?)
- Could I get to the same results using different techniques? If so, how one solution compares to the other in terms of operations overhead?
- Could I use only my CI/CD pipeline and configure the yaml manifests so I can deploy replicas in different clusters?
- What if I use external DNS load balancers such as Azure Traffic Manager to load balance bewteen multiple clusters?
- How would I benefit from having a single control place to manage the jointed clusters under the federation versus the effort of dealing with one more abstraction?
These are all valid questions to better define the scope of implementing federation with Kubernetes.
But this hack was more an exploration of the possibilities. In this aspect, we are much more clear now on how to do it using ACS Engine on Microsoft Azure.
We hope it was useful for you!