In this project, you are going to develop a social networking application called Switter (SU
version of Twitter) by implementing client and server modules. (i) The Server module
manages storage of messages (called sweets; SU version of tweets), sweet feeds, and follower
relationships among the users, and (ii) the Client module acts as a user who posts sweets,
follows and blocks other users, and view sweets of other users.
The server listens on a predefined port and accepts incoming client connections. There might
be one or more clients connected to the server at the same time. Each client knows the IP
address and the listening port of the server (to be entered through the Graphical User Interface
(GUI)). Clients connect to the server on a corresponding port and identify themselves with
their usernames. Server needs to keep the usernames of currently connected clients in order to
avoid the same name to be connected more than once at a given time to the server.
On the server side, there is a predefined database of users which are presumed to be registered
to the social network so that you do not need to implement any registration process between a
client and the server. That user database has actually been provided you together with this
document as a text file. You should parse this file in order to load the usernames in your
server program; we can use a different file in the demos, so please do not hardcode the
usernames in your code. A client, whose username should be in the user database, will be able
to connect by providing his/her username only (i.e. no password or other type of security).
Once connected, he/she will act as mentioned in the rest of this document.
The abovementioned introduction is for the entire project, which is to be completed in three
steps. Each step is built on the previous step and each has specific deadlines and demos.
Project Step 1 (Deadline: November 24, 2021, Wednesday, 22:00):
After server starts listening, clients start to connect to the server. A connected client can post
messages (sweets) and server should store them and make them ready to show in other users'
Each user can get all sweets of all other users (i.e. sweet feed) from the server upon request by
pressing on a button on client GUI. When such request is issued, the server will send all
sweets belonging to all users in the platform except those of the requesting user. These sweets
must be shown in the requesting client’s GUI as they are received. The feed request can be
issued repeatedly.
Each sweet has three attributes: (i) the username of the sweet owner, (ii) a unique sweet ID
assigned by the server, and (iii) the timestamp (date and time) that the sweet is posted. These
attributes should also be shown, in addition to the sweet itself, at the client side.
Note that a sweet owner can be offline when a particular user requests all sweets. Still, the
requesting client must be able to see all sweets even if one or some of the sweet owners are
offline. Therefore, server needs to keep the sweets and the related attributes in a text file. The
format of this text file and the details of parsing are up to you.
Users perform all of the operations through a GUI; such as connecting to the server, entering
their username, posting sweet, requesting sweet feed, etc. Additionally, upon requesting,
sweets of others must be shown with their attributes on the client GUI.
This step is the basis of the project. Although the project has some additional operations (such
as following, blocking, sweet deletion, etc.), you do not have to implement those in this step
of the project. You will implement them in the coming steps.
For programming rules and submission specifications, please read the corresponding sections
at the end of this document.
Server Specifications:
There is only one server running on this system.
The port number on which the server listens is not to be hardcoded; it should be taken
from the Server GUI.
The server will start listening on the specified port. It has to handle multiple clients
simultaneously. To do so, whenever a client is connected to the listening port, the
corresponding socket should be added to a list and the server should continuously
accept other client sockets while listening.
Only users which reside in the user database can connect to the server as a client. In
other words, no user with a username that does not exist in the user database can
All activities of the server should be reported using a rich text box on the Server GUI
including the usernames of the connected clients, follow operations, error messages as
well as all the sweet posting and sweet feed request details. We cannot grade your
project if we cannot follow what is going on; so the details contained in this text box is
very important.
Server must handle multiple connections. At the same time, one or more clients can
post sweets and request their feeds to/from the server.
Connected clients’ usernames must be unique; therefore, the server must keep track of
connected clients’ names. If a new client comes with an existing username, server
must not accept this new client.
When the server application is closed (even abruptly), nothing should crash! Also, the
process in the operating system regarding the server should be terminated properly.
Client specifications:
The server’s IP address and the port number must not be hardcoded and must be
entered via the client GUI.
There could be any number of clients in the system.
If the server or the client application closes, the other party should understand
disconnection and act accordingly. Your program must not crash!
All activities of the client should be reported using a rich text box on the client GUI
including posted sweets, error messages, and sweet feed request details (in second and
third steps, more will come). We cannot grade your project if we cannot follow what is
going on, so the details contained in this text box is very important.
Each client must have a unique username. This username must be entered using the
client GUI. This username is also sent to the server. The server identifies the clients
using their usernames.
Each client can post sweets and request sweet feeds at any time. If a client posts a
sweet, this sweet is stored on the server side.
Each client can disconnect from the system at any time. Disconnection can be done by
pressing a disconnect button on client GUI or by just closing the client window.
If the client application is closed (even abruptly), nothing should crash! Also, the
process in the operating system regarding the client should be terminated properly.
Both connection and sweet transfer operations will be performed using TCP sockets.
------------------ End of Step 1 ----------------------
Project Step 2 (Deadline: December 10, 2021, Friday, 22:00):
Second step of the project is built on top of the first step. In this step, you will modify
previous client and server modules to add more functionalities.
In this step, in addition to sweet posting and requesting sweet feed features of Step 1, the
following features are to be added to the application.
- Requesting and getting the list users;
- Following other users;
- Requesting sweet feed posted by the followed users only.
A user can request the usernames of all users in the platform from the server via the Client
GUI. When requested, server must send the usernames of all users in the user database and
the client GUI should display this list.
Each user can follow another user. The concept of following is the same as any social
networking application; it is basically a kind of subscription to get messages posted by the
users being followed. In order to follow a user, the follower should make a request to the
server via GUI. If a user aimed to be followed does not exist, server should respond with an
error message, and this should be shown in both client and server GUIs. Note that follow
operation does not require a permission and anyone can follow any other user. And, of course,
you cannot follow yourselves!
Another mechanism that should be implemented in this step is the ability of clients to request
the feed only from the followed users. In the previous step, a client was able to request sweet
feed consisting of the sweets posted by all clients. You should keep this feature, but in
addition to that, in this step, a client can also request the sweets posted by only the users
followed. In this case, the sweet feed will contain the sweets posted by the users that the
requesting client follows. Again, the feed requests can be issued repeatedly.
As in the step 1, all of the operations must be clearly shown on the client and server GUIs.
For programming rules and submission specifications, please read the corresponding sections
at the end of this document.
------------------ End of Step 2 ----------------------
Project Step 3 (Deadline: December 29, 2021, Wednesday, 22:00):
Third step of the project is built on top of the first and second steps. In this step of the project,
remaining sweet and user operations are to be implemented in the application, which are (i)
blocking (banning) a user, (ii) requesting the list of followers and the users followed, and (iii)
deleting a sweet.
A user can block any other user in the platform so that the blocked user cannot follow
her/him. If the blocked user was following the blocking client before the block operation,
she/he must be removed from the follower list. After that, the server informs the blocking user
about the outcome of the operation (consider success and all possible error cases here) and all
details are shown on the GUIs.
When the blocked clients try to follow a user who blocked her/him, the operation is not
allowed and the server must send an appropriate banning message, and this must be shown on
both client and server GUI.
If a user X blocks user Y, then the sweets of X should never be received by Y.
The server should keep track of the follower relationships among the users in the system.
There must be a button at the client GUI to ask for current followers of that client from the
server. In response, the server should send the list of current followers of that client to be
displayed on the client GUI.
Similarly, a client can request the list of users who are followed by him/her from the server.
After server sends this list, it must be shown on the client GUI.
Finally, a client can delete a sweet of her/his own. For this purpose, a unique sweet identifier
is needed and we use sweet ID attribute for this purpose. In order to delete a sweet, the user
should send the sweet ID to the server. After that, the server deletes it and informs the user. If
there is no such sweet or if there is an ownership problem, then an appropriate error message
must be returned. As always, all the details must be displayed in both client and server GUIs.
As in the step 1 and 2, all of the operations must be clearly shown on the client and server
------------------ End of Step 3 ----------------------