This project is an example Client for TypeScript for using the Liquid-Auth API.
npm install algorandfoundation/liquid-auth-js --save
import {SignalClient} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client';
const client = new SignalClient(window.origin);
See the liquid-auth documentation for more information on the API.
const testAccount = algosdk.generateAccount();
// Sign in to the service with a new credential and wallet
await client.attestation(async (challenge: Uint8Array) => ({
type: 'algorand', // The type of signature and public key
address: testAccount.addr, // The address of the account
signature: toBase64URL(nacl.sign.detached(challenge,, // The signature of the challenge
requestId: '019097ff-bb8d-7f68-9062-89543625aca5', // Optionally authenticate a remote peer
device: 'Demo Web Wallet' // Optional device name
await client.assertion(
credentialId, // Some known credential ID
{requestId: '019097ff-bb8d-7f68-9062-89543625aca5'} // Optional requestId to link
// Create the Peer Connection and await the remote client's answer
client.peer('019097ff-bb8d-7f68-9062-89543625aca5', 'answer').then((dataChannel: RTCDataChannel)=>{
// Handle the data channel
dataChannel.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
const requestId = SignalClient.generateRequestId();
.peer(requestId, 'offer')
.then((dataChannel: RTCDataChannel)=>{
// Handle the data channel
dataChannel.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
const blob = await client.qrCode()
interface SignalClient {
readonly url: string; // Origin of the service
type: "offer" | "answer" // Type of client
peerClient: RTCPeerConnection | PeerClient // Native WebRTC Wrapper/Interface
socket: Socket // The socket to the service
readonly authenticated: boolean; // State of authentication
readonly requestId?: string; // The current request being signaled
* Generate a Request ID
generateRequestId(): string;
attestation(...args: any[]): Promise<any>;
assertion(...args: any[]): Promise<any>;
* Top level Friendly interface for signaling
* @param args
peer(requestId: string, type: 'offer' | 'answer', config?: RTCConfiguration): Promise<void>;
* Link a Request ID to this client
* @param args
link(...args: any[]): Promise<LinkMessage>;
* Wait for a desciption signal
* @param args
signal(...args: any[]): Promise<string>;
* Terminate the signaling session
close(): void
* Listen to Interface events
* @param args
on(...args: any[]): void;
* Emit an event to the interface
* @param channel
* @param callback
emit(channel: string, callback: (...args: any[])=>void)