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update ARC59 reference deps
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joe-p committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent a013bcf commit 855b830
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Showing 7 changed files with 2,269 additions and 1,924 deletions.
165 changes: 84 additions & 81 deletions assets/arc-0059/__test__/arc59.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { describe, test, expect, beforeAll, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals';
import { algorandFixture } from '@algorandfoundation/algokit-utils/testing';
import * as algokit from '@algorandfoundation/algokit-utils';
import algosdk from 'algosdk';
import { Arc59Client } from '../contracts/clients/Arc59Client';
import { Arc59Factory, Arc59Client } from '../contracts/clients/Arc59Client';

const fixture = algorandFixture();
Expand All @@ -23,21 +23,24 @@ algokit.Config.configure({
async function arc59SendAsset(
appClient: Arc59Client,
assetId: bigint,
sender: string,
receiver: string,
sender: algosdk.Address,
receiver: algosdk.Address,
algorand: algokit.AlgorandClient
) {
// Get the address of the ARC59 router
const arc59RouterAddress = (await appClient.appClient.getAppReference()).appAddress;
const arc59RouterAddress = appClient.appAddress;

// Call arc59GetSendAssetInfo to get the following:
// itxns - The number of transactions needed to send the asset
// mbr - The minimum balance that must be sent to the router
// routerOptedIn - Whether the router has opted in to the asset
// receiverOptedIn - Whether the receiver has opted in to the asset
const [itxns, mbr, routerOptedIn, receiverOptedIn, receiverAlgoNeededForClaim] = (
await appClient.arc59GetSendAssetInfo({ asset: assetId, receiver })
await appClient
.arc59GetSendAssetInfo({ args: { asset: assetId, receiver: receiver.toString() } })
.simulate({ allowUnnamedResources: true })

// If the receiver has opted in, just send the asset directly
if (receiverOptedIn) {
Expand All @@ -52,32 +55,35 @@ async function arc59SendAsset(

// Create a composer to form an atomic transaction group
const composer = appClient.compose();

const signer = algorand.account.getSigner(sender);
const group = appClient.newGroup();

// If the MBR is non-zero, send the MBR to the router
if (mbr || receiverAlgoNeededForClaim) {
const mbrPayment = await algorand.transactions.payment({
const mbrPayment = await algorand.createTransaction.payment({
receiver: arc59RouterAddress,
amount: algokit.microAlgos(Number(mbr + receiverAlgoNeededForClaim)),

composer.addTransaction({ txn: mbrPayment, signer });

// If the router is not opted in, add a call to arc59OptRouterIn to do so
if (!routerOptedIn) composer.arc59OptRouterIn({ asa: assetId });
if (!routerOptedIn) group.arc59OptRouterIn({ args: { asa: assetId } });

/** The box of the receiver's pubkey will always be needed */
const boxes = [algosdk.decodeAddress(receiver).publicKey];
const boxes = [algosdk.decodeAddress(receiver.toString()).publicKey];

/** The address of the receiver's inbox */
const inboxAddress = (await appClient.compose().arc59GetInbox({ receiver }, { boxes }).simulate()).returns[0];
const inboxAddress = (
await appClient
.arc59GetInbox({ args: { receiver: receiver.toString() }, boxReferences: boxes })

// The transfer of the asset to the router
const axfer = await algorand.transactions.assetTransfer({
const axfer = await algorand.createTransaction.assetTransfer({
receiver: arc59RouterAddress,
Expand All @@ -87,23 +93,19 @@ async function arc59SendAsset(
// An extra itxn is if we are also sending ALGO for the receiver claim
const totalItxns = itxns + (receiverAlgoNeededForClaim === 0n ? 0n : 1n);

{ axfer, receiver, additionalReceiverFunds: receiverAlgoNeededForClaim },
sendParams: { fee: algokit.microAlgos(1000 + 1000 * Number(totalItxns)) },
boxes, // The receiver's pubkey
// Always good to include both accounts here, even if we think only the receiver is needed. This is to help protect against race conditions within a block.
accounts: [receiver, inboxAddress],
// Even though the asset is available in the group, we need to explicitly define it here because we will be checking the asset balance of the receiver
assets: [Number(assetId)],
args: { axfer, receiver: receiver.toString(), additionalReceiverFunds: receiverAlgoNeededForClaim },
extraFee: algokit.microAlgos(1000 * Number(totalItxns)),
boxReferences: boxes,
accountReferences: [receiver, inboxAddress],
assetReferences: [assetId],

// Disable resource population to ensure that our manually defined resources are correct
algokit.Config.configure({ populateAppCallResources: false });

// Send the transaction group
await composer.execute();
await group.send();

// Re-enable resource population
algokit.Config.configure({ populateAppCallResources: true });
Expand All @@ -117,48 +119,47 @@ async function arc59SendAsset(
* @param claimer The address of the account claiming the asset
* @param algorand The AlgorandClient instance to use to send transactions
async function arc59Claim(appClient: Arc59Client, assetId: bigint, claimer: string, algorand: algokit.AlgorandClient) {
const composer = appClient.compose();
async function arc59Claim(
appClient: Arc59Client,
assetId: bigint,
claimer: algosdk.Address,
algorand: algokit.AlgorandClient
) {
const group = appClient.newGroup();

// Check if the claimer has opted in to the asset
let claimerOptedIn = false;
try {
await algorand.account.getAssetInformation(claimer, assetId);
await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(claimer, assetId);
claimerOptedIn = true;
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing

const inbox = (
await appClient.compose().arc59GetInbox({ receiver: claimer }).simulate({ allowUnnamedResources: true })
await appClient
.arc59GetInbox({ args: { receiver: claimer.toString() } })
.simulate({ allowUnnamedResources: true })

let totalTxns = 3;

// If the inbox has extra ALGO, claim it
const inboxInfo = await algorand.account.getInformation(inbox);
if (inboxInfo.minBalance < inboxInfo.amount) {
if (inboxInfo.minBalance < inboxInfo.balance) {
totalTxns += 2;
{ sender: algorand.account.getAccount(claimer), sendParams: { fee: algokit.algos(0) } }
group.arc59ClaimAlgo({ sender: claimer, args: [], staticFee: (0).algo() });

// If the claimer hasn't already opted in, add a transaction to do so
if (!claimerOptedIn) {
txn: await algorand.transactions.assetOptIn({ assetId, sender: claimer }),
signer: algorand.account.getSigner(claimer),
group.addTransaction(await algorand.createTransaction.assetOptIn({ assetId, sender: claimer }));

{ asa: assetId },
{ sender: algorand.account.getAccount(claimer), sendParams: { fee: algokit.microAlgos(1000 * totalTxns) } }
group.arc59Claim({ args: { asa: assetId }, extraFee: algokit.microAlgos(1000 * (totalTxns - 1)), sender: claimer });

await composer.execute();
await group.send();

describe('Arc59', () => {
Expand All @@ -167,28 +168,25 @@ describe('Arc59', () => {
let assetTwo: bigint;
let alice: algosdk.Account;
let bob: algosdk.Account;
let algorand: algokit.AlgorandClient;


beforeAll(async () => {
await fixture.beforeEach();
const { testAccount } = fixture.context;
const { algorand } = fixture;

appClient = new Arc59Client(
sender: testAccount,
resolveBy: 'id',
id: 0,
algorand = fixture.algorand;

const factory = new Arc59Factory({ algorand, defaultSender: testAccount });

appClient = (await factory.send.create.createApplication({ args: [] })).appClient;

const oneResult = await algorand.send.assetCreate({
sender: testAccount.addr,
unitName: 'one',
total: 100n,

assetOne = BigInt(oneResult.confirmation.assetIndex!);

const twoResult = await algorand.send.assetCreate({
Expand All @@ -200,18 +198,22 @@ describe('Arc59', () => {

alice = testAccount;

await appClient.create.createApplication({});

await appClient.appClient.fundAppAccount({ amount: algokit.microAlgos(100_000) });
await appClient.appClient.fundAppAccount({ amount: algokit.microAlgos(100_000), note: 'initial funding' });

test('routerOptIn', async () => {
await appClient.appClient.fundAppAccount({ amount: algokit.microAlgos(100_000) });
await appClient.arc59OptRouterIn({ asa: assetOne }, { sendParams: { fee: algokit.microAlgos(2_000) } });
await appClient.send.arc59OptRouterIn({ args: { asa: assetOne }, extraFee: algokit.microAlgos(1_000) });

const routerBalance = (await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(appClient.appAddress, assetOne)).balance;

test('Brand new account getSendAssetInfo', async () => {
const res = await appClient.arc59GetSendAssetInfo({ asset: assetOne, receiver: algosdk.generateAccount().addr });
const res = await appClient.send.arc59GetSendAssetInfo({
args: { asset: assetOne, receiver: algosdk.generateAccount().addr.toString() },
extraFee: algokit.microAlgos(1_000),

const [
Expand All @@ -231,103 +233,104 @@ describe('Arc59', () => {

test('Brand new account sendAsset', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;
const { testAccount } = fixture.context;
bob = testAccount;

await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetOne, alice.addr, bob.addr, algorand);

test('Existing inbox sendAsset (existing asset)', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;

await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetOne, alice.addr, bob.addr, algorand);

test('Existing inbox sendAsset (new asset)', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;

await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetTwo, alice.addr, bob.addr, algorand);

test('claim', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;

await arc59Claim(appClient, assetOne, bob.addr, algorand);

const bobAssetInfo = await algorand.account.getAssetInformation(bob.addr, assetOne);
const bobAssetInfo = await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(bob.addr, assetOne);


test('reject', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;
const newAsset = BigInt(
(await algorand.send.assetCreate({ sender: alice.addr, total: 1n })).confirmation.assetIndex!
await arc59SendAsset(appClient, newAsset, alice.addr, bob.addr, algorand);

await appClient.arc59Reject({ asa: newAsset }, { sender: bob, sendParams: { fee: algokit.algos(0.003) } });
await appClient.send.arc59Reject({
sender: bob.addr,
args: { asa: newAsset },
extraFee: algokit.microAlgos(2_000),

test('claim from 0-ALGO account', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;
const receiver = algorand.account.random();

await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetOne, alice.addr, receiver.addr, algorand);

await arc59Claim(appClient, assetOne, receiver.addr, algorand);

const receiverAssetInfo = await algorand.account.getAssetInformation(receiver.addr, assetOne);
const receiverAssetInfo = await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(receiver.addr, assetOne);


test('two claims from 0-ALGO account', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;
const receiver = algorand.account.random();
await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetOne, alice.addr, receiver.addr, algorand);
await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetTwo, alice.addr, receiver.addr, algorand);

await arc59Claim(appClient, assetOne, receiver.addr, algorand);
await arc59Claim(appClient, assetTwo, receiver.addr, algorand);

const receiverAssetInfoOne = await algorand.account.getAssetInformation(receiver.addr, assetOne);
const receiverAssetInfoTwo = await algorand.account.getAssetInformation(receiver.addr, assetTwo);
const receiverAssetInfoOne = await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(receiver.addr, assetOne);
const receiverAssetInfoTwo = await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(receiver.addr, assetTwo);


test('claim from abnormal ALGO balance', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;
const receiver = algorand.account.random();

await algorand.send.payment({ sender: alice.addr, receiver: receiver.addr, amount: algokit.microAlgos(123_456) });

await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetOne, alice.addr, receiver.addr, algorand);
await arc59Claim(appClient, assetOne, receiver.addr, algorand);

const receiverAssetInfo = await algorand.account.getAssetInformation(receiver.addr, assetOne);
const receiverAssetInfo = await algorand.asset.getAccountInformation(receiver.addr, assetOne);


test('arc59GetSendAssetInfo with small amount of ALGO in inbox', async () => {
const { algorand } = fixture;
const receiver = algorand.account.random();

await arc59SendAsset(appClient, assetOne, alice.addr, receiver.addr, algorand);
await arc59Claim(appClient, assetOne, receiver.addr, algorand);

const inbox = (await appClient.arc59GetInbox({ receiver: receiver.addr })).return!;
const inbox = (
await appClient
.arc59GetInbox({ args: { receiver: receiver.addr.toString() } })
.simulate({ allowUnnamedResources: true })

await algorand.send.payment({
sender: alice.addr,
receiver: inbox,
amount: algokit.microAlgos(1),

await appClient.arc59GetSendAssetInfo({ asset: assetTwo, receiver: receiver.addr });
await appClient
.arc59GetSendAssetInfo({ args: { asset: assetTwo, receiver: receiver.addr.toString() } })
.simulate({ allowUnnamedResources: true });
Binary file removed assets/arc-0059/bun.lockb
Binary file not shown.

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