An Android app written in Kotlin to browse the Artsy public API, and set phone wallpaper. This was a project to experiment with the Android Architecture Components. It uses Room and the Paging Library for continuous scrolling and caching of network data, and LiveData for UI updates, as well as Retrofit for networking and a light touch of RxJava/RxKotlin.
To run the app, you will need to sign up with Artsy for a client ID and client secret. Instructions for this can be found here.
Once you have the ID and secret, copy the file to, and enter them in the file:
- Kotlin - Kotlin programing language
- Anko - Kotlin extensions and utilities for Android
- Android Architecture Components - For managing Android UI lifecycle and data persistence.
- Android Paging Library - For continuous scrolling and paging of network requests
- RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM
- RxKotlin - Kotlin Extensions for RxJava
- Picasso - Image downloading and caching
- Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client
- Android paging library with RxJava and REST API - This article and the code in it really helped me wrap my head around the Android Paging Library