Little project to ramp up on REST APIs with Docker This is a dummy application, Errors are not handled at all
This "project" has two parts, a python REST server to handle POST and GET on entire files, and its container to deploy it easily You can run the server only with python and try the commands.
Assuming that you have pip installed
pip install Flask
The application is designed to send the files to /tmp, if you want to change the location please update the file
... UPLOAD_FOLDER = '/tmp' ...
docker build -t dummy_rest:latest .
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 dummy_rest
Idea here is to POST entire files
curl -X POST -F "file=@path_to_my_file" http://localhost:5000
You should have a 302 message as a return saying that your file was redirected, but no issue here (behavior to be modified of course)
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000