You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 51
Basic Usage
Table of Contents:
Once a connection has been established, subsequent commands will be executed in the context of the user identified during authentication.
Commands in Qlik-Cli follow PowerShell's standard Verb-noun convention.
Common parameters across commands include:
: Parameter to include a filter in the command. Example usages:Get-QlikApp -filter "(stream.name eq 'Monitoring Apps')"
,Get-QlikTask -filter "createdDate gt '2018/01/01'"
: Return the full JSON response to the PowerShell console. This allows for using the response element(s) in future commands.
Filters in Qlik-Cli build on the filtering mechanism in the Qlik Sense Repository API. This is not intended for a complete review, so consult the Help docs for a more thorough treatment of filtering.
To determine what and how to filter, it is often easiest to issue a specific GET call to return the elements which can be used in a filter.
Get-QlikApp -filter "name eq 'ExampleApp'" -full
id : 721edecf-385e-417f-922f-f71e5084b37b
createdDate : 2018/10/07 18:59
modifiedDate : 2018/10/07 18:59
modifiedByUserName : INTERNAL\sa_repository
customProperties : {}
owner : @{id=4656f533-d695-4959-a8de-1533bbd09ae9; userId=sa_api
userDirectory=INTERNAL; name=sa_api; privileges=}
name : ExampleApp
appId :
sourceAppId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
targetAppId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
publishTime : 1752/12/31 19:00
published : False
tags :
description :
stream :
fileSize : 175293
lastReloadTime : 2018/10/05 12:10
thumbnail :
savedInProductVersion : 12.212.4
migrationHash : 98d482c3f964dccf69cbfb9a00e0c048ea6eb221
dynamicColor :
availabilityStatus : NotApplicable
privileges :
schemaPath : App
Example filters:
Get-QlikApp -filter "fileSize eq 175293"
Get-QlikApp -filter "published eq false"
Since Qlik-Cli uses native PowerShell functionality, you can pass arguments using pipelines (symbolized by the |
character). Pipelines reduce the effort needed for complex commands by passing values between commands. For further details, please reference the Microsoft Documentation on Pipelines
Importing an app file disk and publishing it to a stream specified by name:
PS C:\> Import-QlikApp -file .\filename.qvf -name ExampleApp -upload | Publish-QlikApp -stream ExampleStream
Removing all apps with a specified name:
PS C:\> (Get-QlikApp -filter "name eq 'ExampleApp'").count
Get-QlikApp -filter "name eq 'ExampleApp'" | Remove-QlikApp
Inline commands are another method of passing variables. Rather than using the |
character to pass the GET
response in the pipeline, use $(Command)
Create a custom property with the values which correspond to the node names of all nodes with Engine services enabled:
New-QlikCustomProperty -name NodeAffinity -choiceValues $(Get-QlikNode -filter "engineEnabled eq true").hostName -objectTypes App
To explore commands which are exposed, run the Get-Command -Module Qlik-Cli
command in the PowerShell console.
For more details on a specific command, run the Get-Help CommandName
command in the PowerShell console. Example:
PS C:\> Get-Help Connect-Qlik
Establishes a session with a Qlik Sense server, other Qlik cmdlets will use this session to invoke commands.
Connect-Qlik [[-Computername] <String>] [-TrustAllCerts] [-Username <String>] [-Certificate <X509Certificate>]
Connect-Qlik [[-Computername] <String>] [-TrustAllCerts] [-UseDefaultCredentials] [<CommonParameters>]
Uses the parameter values to establish a new session with a Sense server, if a valid certificate can be found in
the Windows certificate store it will be used unless this is overridden by the certificate parameter. If a valid
certificate cannot be found Windows authentication will be attempted using the credentials of the user that is
running the PowerShell console.
To see the examples, type: "get-help Connect-Qlik -examples".
For more information, type: "get-help Connect-Qlik -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help Connect-Qlik -full".
For online help, type: "get-help Connect-Qlik -online"