Made with
This project has been created by AE STUDIO and is an admin tool for Tableland, which is a relational database for web3 natives. With this tool you will be able to see your tables, create new ones, read, insert, update and delete entries from them!
- First of all, login with your polygon wallet. Make sure to be on Mumbai testnet
- Add a new table by clicking in (+ Add Table)
- Now define your database columns and choose a table prefix, then click in Create Table
- Nice! Now you will see your table listed on the left sidebar, by clicking on it you will be able to run queries, add stuff and change permissions! More information on Tableland docs
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Copy the environment sample to a .env file
Run the app in development mode:
npm start
oryarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The application uses IndexedDB to store imported databases.
- Feel free to create a Pull Request, someone will review it and (hopefully) merge it into the main branch, please follow the lint rules and show tests.