Currently master
houses support for a basic language that supports conditionals and attempts variable declaration. This is organized into an AST (yet to be evaluated). So far this a TDD project.
On the roadmap:
- Design and implement a runtime
Environment variables and context- Validate constructors and attributes (potentially can be treated as closures)
- Evaluation build around root
AST node
- Flexible code generation
- Design language-agnostic functionality stubs linked together by namespaces originating from coded variables
- Add to and flesh out testing suite
> sbt test
> sbt console
> ...
scala> import co.parsercombinators.compiler.WorkflowCompiler
import co.parsercombinators.compiler.WorkflowCompiler
scala> val multiSimpleDeclare =
| """
| |dummy = "newString"
| |dummy2 = dummy
| """.stripMargin.trim
scala> ...
scala> WorkflowCompiler(multiSimpleDeclare)
res1: Either[co.parsercombinators.compiler.WorkflowCompilationError,co.parsercombinators.parser.WorkflowAST] = Right...