Written using ASP.NET. The Bahrain vACC is a virtual air traffic control centre on the VATSIM network.
Before running you need to set up a database. You can use either MySQL or MariaDB, for this project I used MariaDB. Once you have setup your database, create a user and append the details to the connection string inside appsettings.json
The default one looks like this:
"BahrainConnection": "server=localhost;port=3306;database=BahrainAPI;uid=YOUR_UID;pwd=YOUR_PASSWORD;"
to the password of the use account you created in your database.
You will then need to run dotnet ef migrations add MIGRATION_NAME
to create a migration and dotnet ef database update
to build the database.
See more here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/?tabs=dotnet-core-cli
Run the API using the dotnet CLI. Simply type dotnet run
in terminal while inside the project file.
For this project I used Postman to test the API.
On my TODO list is:
- Add authorization to each HTTP request to stop unwanted users ;).
- Add the ability to send PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests using VATSIM CIDs as well as database IDs.
- Dockerise API.