Zabbix template to check domain registration expiry
Tested on:
- Zabbix 6.4
- Zabbix v6.4 or later
- whois installed on zabbix server (GNU utils)
- Copy shell script to your Zabbix server external scripts dir (default: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/)
- Make it executable (e.g. chmod +x /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/
- Import yaml template to your zabbix server
- Create a host with a domain name as the Host name and attach the template to the host. Make sure required macros are filled out
Macro | Default Value | Description |
{$EXP_CRIT} | 7 | Threshold value of days remaining before triggering a HIGH alert |
{$EXP_WARN} | 30 | Threshold value of days remaining before triggering a WARNING alert |
{$WHOIS_SERVER} | "" | Specify the whois service to use (e.g Default value "" uses the whois util config default |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Domain Check Expiry | Run external script to check domain registration status | External check |["-d",{HOST.NAME},"-s",{$WHOIS_SERVER},"-w",{$EXP_WARN},"-c",{$EXP_CRIT}], Update interval: 1d |
Domain Check Expiry: Status | Get "State:" from script output | Dependant item | domain_check_expiry.status |
Domain Check Expiry: Expire Date | Get "Expire date:" from script output | Dependant item | domain_check_expiry.expire_date |
Domain Check Expiry: Days Since Expired | Get "Days since expired:" from script output | Dependant item | domain_check_expiry.days_since_expired |
Domain Check Expiry: Days Left | Get "Days left:" from script output | Dependant item | domain_check_expiry.days_left |
Note: There is operational data included in the triggers to display live data from checks. You can include this in your "Problems" dashboard widget > Show operational data > With problem name
Name | Description | Expression | Severity |
Domain Expiry: {HOST.NAME} - {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} | Raise alert in case of script output error | find(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.status,#1,"like","UNKNOWN")=1 | Not classified |
Domain Expiry: {HOST.NAME} will expire soon | Raise alert when number days remaining is below threshold | last(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.days_left)<={$EXP_WARN} and last(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.expire_date)<>0 | Warning |
Domain Expiry: {HOST.NAME} will expire soon | Raise alert when number days remaining is below threshold | last(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.days_left)<={$EXP_CRIT} and last(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.expire_date)<>0 | High |
Domain Expiry: {HOST.NAME} has expired | Raise alert domain registarion has expired | find(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.status,#1,"like","EXPIRED")=1 and last(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.days_since_expired)>=0 and last(/Domain Expiry/domain_check_expiry.expire_date)<>0 | Disaster |