ZTF marshal will be the primary portal for partners and public in general to view, analyze, and collaborate objects of interests discovered in the ZTF survey. The primary goal of this marshal is a container to collect information for each object of interest.
- Create an object of interest by coordinates;
- Automatically retrieve existing ZTF data for objects of interest;
- Collecting information of existing objects of interest from external catalogs and alerts;
- Send alerts for objects of interest;
- Request follow-up observations;
- Include photometric and spectroscopic data for objects of interest;
- Allow users to comment w/ or w/o attachment;
- Perform basic searches by time, coordinates, etc..
- Optional anxillary functions:
- Object visibility;
- Provide finding charts;
- Preparing follow-up observing runs.
The following high-level issues should be determined for marshal:
- User privilege systems: maybe we can use the same Linux user system (user/group/all). But this needs discussion from the top level.
- Database type and schema: considering the heterogeneity of data and little connection between different objects, a non-relational database might be more appropriate, for example, MongoDB.
- Web interface design.
- Marshal will be primarily written in Python 2.7.
- When necessary, C should be used for speed-up.
- Web desgin should be done in CSS.
In order for better communication and maintenance, we strictly implement [https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html][the Google coding style]. Code review will also be implemented for quality.
An internal git repository will be set up soon. The master branch should always be the deliverable version and the dev branch will be the HEAD of the development. Every participant should create their own branch based on the dev HEAD and merge their branch to dev once the code is accepted by the reviewer. The dev and master branches can only be merged when the dev version is fully tested.