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= Text Weekday Long (by locale/can also use aaaa
= Text Weekday Short (by locale/can also use aaa
= Abbreviated weekday name in English.
= Numeric day of the week: 1-7 (Monday through Sunday)
= Numeric day of the week: 0-6 (Sunday through Saturday)
= Numeric Day of Month (with leading 0)
= Numeric Day of Month
= Text Month Long (by locale)
= Text Month Short (by locale)
= Abbreviated month name in English.
= Numeric Month of Year (with leading 0)
= Numeric Month of Year
= Four Digit Year
= Two Digit Year
= Year by the locale calendar (i.e. the year of the Emperor in Japan)
= Period/era name by the locale calendar (i.e. “Heisei” in Japan)
= ISO 8601 numeric Week-of-Year. (Europe)
= U.S. like Week-of-Year – beginning on first day of the year, based on sunday
= numeric Week-of-Year – beginning on first sunday.
= numeric Week-of-Year – beginning on first monday.
= SWN (Simple-Week-Number) numeric Week-of-Year.
= Day of Year in decimal format (001 – 366).
= Name of the machine’s currently configured Time Zone.
Note: For this to display correctly T-Clock will need to be restarted if Time Zone information is changed in Windows Date and Time Properties.
Note: doesn't work currently, fixes or suggestions on how to name timezones are welcome.
= Current Hour with leading 0
= Current Hour (can be replaced with w +/- x
to display time in alternate time zone)
w +/- x
= Alternate Time Zone – Show current time +/- x hours for display of alternate time zone.
Example: If you are GMT -5, you could enter w+05 to get back to the current UTC time.
= Current Minutes with leading 0
= Current Minutes
= Current Seconds with leading 0
= Current Seconds
= Add AM/PM Symbol as Configured in T-Clock Time Options (can also use am/pm)
= a decimal time concept introduced in 1998 and marketed by the Swatch corporation as an alternative, decimal measure of time. One of the goals was to simplify the way people in different time zones communicate about time, mostly by eliminating time zones altogether. Wikipedia: Swatch Internet Time
= also with first decimal place
= and with second decimal place
\n = Newline Character – Inserts a line break to wrap the output as you like.
“…” = To prevent a character from triggering its function encase it in “quotes”
/ = Date separator, follows selection in locale.
: = Time separator, follows selection in locale.
LDATE = Use the default system configured Long Date format.
DATE = Use the default system configured Short Date format.
TIME = Use the default system configured Time format.
JD = Julian Date - The Julian day is used in the Julian date (JD) system of time measurement for scientific use by the astronomy community. Julian date is recommended for astronomical use by the International Astronomical Union.
OD = Ordinal Date (YYYY-DDD) - Using UTC/GMT/Zulu Time.
Od = Ordinal Date (YYYY-DDD) - Using Local Time.
POSIX = Posix/Unix Time is the Number of Seconds that have elapsed since the Unix Epoch Date: 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
Sd = Number of Days system has been running. (Not compatible with Sa)
Sa = Total number of hours system has been running. (Not compatible with Sd)
Sh = Number of hours system has been running. (Not compatible with Sa)
Sn = Number of minutes system has been running.
Ss = Number of seconds system has been running.
ST = Short uptime displayed in h:mm:ss format.
Note: this function uses GetTickCount() on OS versions before Vista, so any uptime over 49.7 days will (wrap to 0) be inaccurate. Vista+ supports uptime to infinity though.
/exit : Exit T-Clock 2010
/prop : Open T-Clock's Properties
/start : Start Stopwatch (open as/if needed)
/stop : Stop the Stopwatch counter (kind of pause)
/reset : Reset Stopwatch to 0 (doesn't stop)
/lap : Record a (the current) Lap Time
/sync : Synchronize the time (UAC elevation required)
/syncopt : Open SNTP / synchronize options, also allows to sync now
T-Clock Includes User Configurable Hotkeys to:
Open the Stopwatch.
Open Add/Edit Timers.
Open Properties Dialog.
Display T-Clock Calendar.
Open Timer Watch Window.
Note: Timer Watch will auto-close if it isn’t needed (has no timers being watched).
For Those Without Sound Cards
For those that do not have sound (or just like these tones) T-Clock includes the option to use .pcb files to play a series of tones through the PC’s system speaker. The .pcb files are in a plain text format, and have a straight forward (duration, frequency) simple syntax. So they can be created or edited with any plain text editor (like Notepad).
There is one demo.pcb file included in the Waves directory. Content of the file with line by line explanation is below:
100, 400 Creates 100ms long 400Hz tone.
100, -1 100ms Pause between tones.
100, 500 Creates 100ms long 500Hz tone.
100, -1 100ms Pause between tones.
100, 600 Creates 100ms long 600Hz tone.
100, -1 100ms Pause between tones.
100, 500 Creates 100ms long 500Hz tone.
100, -1 100ms Pause between tones.
100, 400 Creates 100ms long 400Hz tone.
500, -1 500ms Pause at end of file for smoother looping.
The first number (duration) is in milliseconds. It controls how long the tone or pause will be.
The second number (frequency) is in hertz, and controls the pitch of the tone being played. Valid values are from 37 to 32767.