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Whitaker Lab Website

Build and Deploy Site

This repository contains the code to host the Whitaker Lab website: It is powered by Hugo and uses the Minimo Theme.

Continuous integration is managed by GitHub Actions. If our build status badge (at the top of this page) is not a beautiful bright green, please take a look and see if you can fix any of the problems!

Some useful commands

I (Kirstie) find myself googling for the following commands everytime I interact with this repository, so here they are to make my life easier!

hugo server -D

How to Add a New Blog Post

To create a new blog post you can either:

  1. Run the Hugo command line
hugo new blog/
  1. Make a copy of the file under the content/blog folder.

Front matter

All blog posts must contain the following information at the top of the Markdown document.

title: "Template"  # Update with title
date: 2021-05-19T00:00:00+00:00  # Update with date. You can leave the time as 0's if unsure.
draft: true  # Change to false
authors: []  # Comma separated list of authors surrounded by double quotes. E.g. ["kirstiewhitaker", "janedoe"]
categories: blog  # DO NOT CHANGE
tags: []  # List of tags

The content of the blog can then be written, in Markdown syntax, under the second --- divider.

Filename convention

We recommend naming blog files with the following convention:

This means the directory will be ordered by date the post was added (ascending) and will avoid name clashes with repeating blogs, such as

Where to Store Images

Please add any images you wish to include to the static/images folder. They are then referenced as /images/image-name, without the static prefix.

If you are uploading a lot of images for a single post, you may wish to create a dedicated subdirectory under static/images.

Embedding Content into Blog Posts

Hugo uses shortcodes to embed external content into pages without the need to copy long lines of HTML code. However, if a shortcode doesn't exist for the content you'd like to embed, copying the long HTML code will still work!

Some useful shortcode examples:

A Tweet

{{< tweet TWEET_ID >}}

where TWEET_ID is the numeric part of the Tweet URL. Docs

A figure

{{< figure src="" alt="" caption="" >}}

where src could be a URL or a reference to a local image (that is, /images/image-name), alt defines the alt-text, and caption renders an image caption. Any Markdown contained in caption will be rendered as expected. Docs

A YouTube video

{{< youtube VIDEO_ID >}}

where VIDEO_ID is the code that follows v= in the URL. Docs

Internal Links

The shortcodes ref and relref will look up pages by their relative path (e.g., blog/ or their logical name ( and return the permalink (ref) or relative permalink (relref) for the found page.

ref and relref also make it possible to make fragmentary links that work for the header links generated by Hugo.

See the documentation for examples.

How to Add Yourself as an Author

  1. Create a new TOML file under the data/authors folder.

    • Give the file your name in all lowercase, no spaces and no symbols. For example, Jane Doe would create janedoe.toml
    • You can copy templateauthor.toml as an example
  2. Add your data. Each file must follow the below structure.

    • The social.twitter field is optional
    id = ""  # Must be the same as the filename e.g. templateauthor
    username = ""  # This is the part of your email BEFORE the @
    host = ""      # This is the part of your email AFTER the @
    display = ""  # How you would like your name to be displayed
    twitter = ""  # Your Twitter handle (no @)

    Jane Doe's example would look like this.

    id = "janedoe"
    username = "janedoe"
    host = ""
    display = "Jane Doe"
    twitter = "JaneDoe"
  3. You can now be listed as an author for posts in the authors field of the post's front matter like so.

    authors: ["janedoe"]

Updating the Hugo Theme

  1. Clone the repo and change into the directory

    git clone
  2. Update the theme in the themes directory

    cd themes/minimo
    git checkout master
    git fetch && git pull
    cd ../..
  3. Check our config.toml is up-to-date with the latest config.toml format. It's also a good idea to double check the configuration settings of Minimo. Lastly, check Hugo can still build the site.

    hugo server -D
  4. Add, commit and push the updated theme.

    git add themes/minimo
    git commit -m "Update [theme]: minimo"
    git push


Updates from Kirstie's research group at the Turing Institute.



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