Project of fourth year students in engineering school.
Project aiming at creating a dataloader which gives a set of equiprobable data, apply the Khi² / Chi² and then applying a PCA.
- Reading CSV file and putting it into an array.
- Creating a trainset and testset.
- Applying the Khi² / Chi².
- Applying PCA to a dataset.
- Testing xo and mocha.
- COULANGE Tristan
- DURAND Thomas
- FLAMENT Florentin
- GIDROL Louis
- LIBERT Méline
- MASRIERA Edouard
Maxime ROBIN (
The attached files are used to launch the different javascripts: a Chi-square application test, the PCA applied to a train and a test.
npm install pca-js
npm install jquery-csv
npm install fs
npm install train-test-split
npm install ramda
// Check your node, npm and npx versions
node --version
npm --version
npx --version
// Install the gulp command line utility
npm install --global gulp-cli
// Create a project directory and navigate into it
npx mkdirp projetjs
cd projetjs
// Create a package.json file
npm init
// Install the gulp package globaly
npm install --save-dev gulp
Launch the gulpfile with the command : gulp
// Install with npm
npm install --global mocha
npm install mocha
mkdir test
$EDITOR test/test.js # or open with your favorite editor
// Edit it, then on the terminal go
// Set up the test script in package.json
// run
npm test
// Install with npm
npm install xo --save-dev
// init
npm init xo
// run
npm test
// fix
xo --fix
xo --ignore=test\test.js
Yarn (software packaging system):
Ramda (functional programming library in JS):
Node and npm (runtime environment and software packaging system):
Gulp (auto script starter):
Mocha (auto tests) :
xo (ESLint wrapper) :