- Just download the files from the Github repository (hamdash.html, config.js, and wheelzoom.js) and keep them together on the same folder.
- Open hamdash.html with any browser of your preference and you done.
- With any text editor (like Notepad) you can change the source images (can be more than one per box) or the menu options from the config.js file.
YouTube - Configuration instructions contributed by Jason KM4ACK
- Double click on an image to expand to full screen.
- Double click again to close full screen view.
- Right click on an image to display the next one. (In the latest version is possible to add multiple images per box.)
- The content refreshes automatically every 5 minutes.
Is that easy!
73 de Pablo, VA3HDL
This error can occur if the server has certain security measures in place, such as the x-frame-options header, which prevents its content from being embedded on other websites using iframes.
Login via ssh to the pi-star then run this command to switch to Read/Write mode:
In the file /etc/nginx/default.d/security.conf comment the line below with a "#" in front, like this:
# add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
Run this command to switch back to Read Only mode:
Then reboot the pi-star
There is very little that can be done on the client side if the source site does not allow embedding the site inside another page (like the dashboard!) specially if the user can't change the server settings (most cases.)
As a workaround for these issues, I've tested running a local proxy on my computer to strip out the x-frame-options header coming from the source server and it worked well on some cases. But setting up a proxy adds another layer of complexity to the setup.
- Moved the configuration parts of the JavaScript code to its own file "config.js" so it is easy to upgrade after updates to the main code. Suggested by Lou KI5FTY.
- Improved menu usability
- Removed dependencies to local installed fonts. Fonts now are loaded from Google Fonts directly to ensure consistency.
- Ability to add multiple images per position. Images are rotated automatically every 30 seconds.
- Autorefresh is now paused automatically when switching to a website (from menu) or when an image is zoomed-in to full screen
- Moved configuration variables to the top of the script and added extra commentary to ease the initial setup
- Added menu to the right of the page. Now the left menu has ham radio links and right menu has weather links