- ROSSBuildingBlock: Imports a RES ONE Service Store building block
- ROSSCatalogServices: Installs the RES ONE Service Store Catalog Services component
- ROSSClient: Installs the RES ONE Service Store Windows client component
- ROSSConsole: Installs the RES ONE Service Store Setup and Sync tool
- ROSSDatabase: Installs the RES ONE Service Store Setup and Sync tool and creates the RES ONE Service Store database
- ROSSLab (Composite): Deploys a single-node RES ONE Service Store lab server environment
- ROSSLabHttps (Composite): Deploys a single-node RES ONE Service Store lab server environment with HTTPS bindings
- ROSSManagementPortal: Installs the RES ONE Service Store management portal component
- ROSSManagementPortalConfig: Deploys a RES ONE Service Store IIS management portal configuration file (v10 and later)
- ROSSMobileGateway: Installs the RES ONE Identity Directory (v10 and later) mobile gateway component
- ROSSMobileGatewayConfig: Deploys a RES ONE Service Store IIS mobile gateway configuration file (v10 and later)
- ROSSTransactionEngine: Installs the RES ONE Service Store Transaction Engine component
- ROSSWebPortal: Installs the RES ONE Service Store Web Portal component
- ROSSWebPortalConfig: Deploys a RES ONE Service Store IIS web portal configuration file (v10 and later)
- ROIDLab (Composite): Deploys a single-node RES ONE Identity Director lab server environment
- xNetworking: ROSSLab, ROSSLabHttps and ROIDLab require https://github.com/PowerShell/xNetworking to create firewall rules
- xWebAdministration: ROSSLabHttps requires https://github.com/PowerShell/xWebAdministration to create the HTTPS binding
Imports a RES ONE Service Store building block.
ROSSBuildingBlock [String] #ResourceName
Path = [String]
Server = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
[ UseHttps = [Boolean] ]
[ EnableTransactions = [Boolean] ]
[ NoClobber = [Boolean] ]
[ DeleteFromDisk = [Boolean] ]
Installs the RES ONE Service Store Catalog Services component.
ROSSCatalogServices [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Service Store Windows client component.
ROSSClient [String] #ResourceName
CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential]
CatalogServicesHost = [String]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Service Store Setup and Sync tool.
ROSSConsole [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Service Store Setup and Sync tool and creates the RES ONE Service Store database.
ROSSDatabase [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
SQLCredential = [PSCredential]
CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ LicensePath = [String] ]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Deploys a single-node RES ONE Service Store lab server environment.
ROSSLab [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
SQLCredential = [PSCredential]
CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
Version = [String]
HostHeader = [String]
DefaultDomain = [String]
[ DatabaseName = [String] ]
[ Port = [UInt16] ]
[ CatalogServicesHost = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockPath = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockCredential = [PSCredential] ]
[ DeleteBuildingBlock = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Deploys a single-node RES ONE Service Store lab server environment with HTTPS bindings.
ROSSLabHttps [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
SQLCredential = [PSCredential]
CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
Version = [String]
HostHeader = [String]
DefaultDomain = [String]
PfxCertificateThumbprint = [String]
[ DatabaseName = [String] ]
[ Port = [UInt16] ]
[ CatalogServicesHost = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockPath = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockCredential = [PSCredential] ]
[ DeleteBuildingBlock = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Service Store management portal component.
ROSSManagementPortal [String] #ResourceName
HostHeader = [String]
Path = [String]
[ CertificateThmubprint = [String] ]
[ DefaultDomain = [String] ]
[ Port = [UInt16] ]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
- HostHeader: IIS website host header, i.e. http://itstore.lab.local (v9.1 and ealier) or res.lab.local (v10 and later).
- Path: File path containing the RES ONE Service Store MSIs or the literal path to the installer.
- CertificateThmubprint: Installed certificate thumbprint to bind to the IIS site (v10 and later).
- DefaultDomain: RES ONE Service Store default (NetBIOS) domain name (v9.1 and earlier)
- Port: IIS website port binding.
- Version: RES ONE Service Store component version to be installed, i.e.
- IsLiteralPath: Specified path is a literal file reference.
- Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
Deploys a RES ONE Service Store IIS configuration management portal file.
ROSSManagementPortalConfig [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseName = [String]
DatabaseServer = [String]
Path = [String]
[Credential = [PSCredential] ]
[IdentityBrokerUrl = [String] ]
[ApplicationUrl = [String] ]
[ClientId = [String] ]
[ClientSecret = [PSCredential] ]
[Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
- DatabaseServer: RES ONE Service Store database server/instance name.
- DatabaseName: RES ONE Service Store database name.
- Path: RES ONE Service Store web management portal configuration file path.
- Credential: RES ONE Service Store database Microsoft SQL username/password.
- IdentityBrokerUrl: RES ONE Identity Broker Uri.
- ApplicationUrl: RES ONE Identity Director Management Portal Application/Callback Uri.
- ClientId: RES ONE Identity Broker Client ID.
- ClientSecret: "RES ONE Identity Broker Client shared secret.
- Ensure: Whether the configuration file is created or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
Installs the RES ONE Identity Director (v10 and later) mobile gateway portal component.
ROSSMobileGateway [String] #ResourceName
HostHeader = [String]
Path = [String]
CertificateThumbprint = [String]
[ Port = [UInt16] ]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present }]
- HostHeader: IIS website host header/hostname.
- Path: File path containing the RES ONE Automation MSIs or the literal path to the installer.
- CertificateThumbprint: TLS/SSL certificate thumbprint.
- Port: IIS website port binding.
- Version: RES ONE Automation component version to be installed, i.e.
- IsLiteralPath: Specified path is a literal file reference.
- Ensure: Whether the configuration file is created or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
Deploys a RES ONE Service Store IIS mobile gateway configuration file (v10 and later).
ROSSMobileGatewayConfig [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Path = [String]
[Credential = [PSCredential] ]
[Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
- DatabaseServer: RES ONE Service Store database server/instance name.
- DatabaseName: RES ONE Service Store database name.
- Path: RES ONE Service Store web portal configuration file path.
- Credential: RES ONE Service Store database Microsoft SQL username/password.
- Ensure: Whether the configuration file is created or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
Installs the RES ONE Service Store Transaction Engine component.
ROSSTransactionEngine [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
Installs the RES ONE Service Store Web Portal component.
ROSSWebPortal [String] #ResourceName
Path = [String]
HostHeader = [String]
[ CertificateThmubprint = [String] ]
[ DefaultDomain = [String] ]
[ CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential] ]
[ CatalogServicesHost = [String] ]
[ Port = [UInt16] ]
[ Version = [String] ]
[ IsLiteralPath = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
- Path: File path containing the RES ONE Service Store MSIs or the literal path to the installer.
- HostHeader: IIS website host header, i.e. http://itstore.lab.local (v9.1 and ealier) or res.lab.local (v10 and later).
- CertificateThmubprint: Installed certificate thumbprint to bind to the IIS site (v10 and later).
- DefaultDomain: RES ONE Service Store default (NetBIOS) domain name (v9.1 and earlier.
- DefaultDomainName: RES ONE Service Store default (NetBIOS) domain name (v9.1 and earlier)
- Port: IIS website port binding.
- Version: RES ONE Service Store component version to be installed, i.e.
- IsLiteralPath: Specified path is a literal file reference.
- Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
Deploys a RES ONE Service Store IIS web portal configuration file (v10 and later).
ROSSWebPortalConfig [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
DatabaseName = [String]
Path = [String]
[Credential = [PSCredential] ]
[IdentityBrokerUrl = [String] ]
[ApplicationUrl = [String] ]
[ClientId = [String] ]
[ClientSecret = [PSCredential] ]
[Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
- DatabaseServer: RES ONE Service Store database server/instance name.
- DatabaseName: RES ONE Service Store database name.
- Path: RES ONE Service Store web portal configuration file path.
- Credential: RES ONE Service Store database Microsoft SQL username/password.
- IdentityBrokerUrl: RES ONE Identity Broker Uri.
- ApplicationUrl: RES ONE Identity Director Management Portal Application/Callback Uri.
- ClientId: RES ONE Identity Broker Client ID.
- ClientSecret: "RES ONE Identity Broker Client shared secret.
- Ensure: Whether the configuration file is created or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
Deploys a single-node RES ONE Identity Director lab server environment with HTTPS.
ROIDLab [String] #ResourceName
DatabaseServer = [String]
Credential = [PSCredential]
SQLCredential = [PSCredential]
CatalogServicesCredential = [PSCredential]
Path = [String]
Version = [String]
HostHeader = [String]
CertificateThumbprint = [String]
[ DatabaseName = [String] ]
[ LicensePath = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockPath = [String] ]
[ BuildingBlockCredential = [PSCredential] ]
[ DeleteBuildingBlock = [Boolean] ]
[ Ensure = [String] { Absent | Present } ]
- Adds Ivanti release v10.2 support
- Adds v10 support
- Removes mandatory DefaultDomain, CatalogServicesCredential and CatalogServicesHost parametmeters from ROSSWebPortal for v9 and v10 cross compatibility.
- Adds CertificateThumbprint parameter to ROSSManagementPortal and ROSSWebPortal for v9 and v10 cross compatibility.
- Adds ROSSMobileGateway resource.
- Adds ROSSManagementPortalConfig resource.