This is my second year doing this challenge! You can check out last years repo here. This year I'm having to do this alongside a full time job so I have no idea how it will go timings wise but I'll be attempting every map anyway. You can find all my code here in this repo, but feel free to follow my progress on my socials:
Interactive maps can be found on my 30 Day Map Challenge 2023 site
Day 1 ¦ Day 2 ¦ Day 3 ¦ Day 4 ¦ Day 5 ¦ Day 6 ¦ Day 7 ¦ Day 8 ¦ Day 9 ¦ Day 10
Day 11 ¦ Day 12 ¦ Day 13 ¦ Day 14 ¦ Day 15 ¦ Day 16 ¦ Day 17 ¦ Day 18 ¦ Day 19 ¦ Day 20
Day 21 ¦ Day 22 ¦ Day 23 ¦ Day 24 ¦ Day 25 ¦ Day 26 ¦ Day 27 ¦ Day 28 ¦ Day 29 ¦ Day 30
- Python
- Python Pysal
Plot the highest peaks, most prominent peaks and most isolated peaks of the Rocky Mountains
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
- Goal was for map to achieves something that looked reasonably good quite quickly as I was already a couple of days behind on the challenge when I made it.
- I re used the Mapbox Studio base map I hand built for last year's colour Friday (Blue) map.
Plot the walking paths around the City of London in an artistic way
- Python
- Osmnx
- Matplotlib
- Inspired by last year's network map
Map the Scottish and Welsh Constituency Regions
- Python
- Geopandas
- Os
- Pandas
- Inspired by this Stack Exchange discussion
Map the locations of all the mass shootings in the USA in 2023.
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
I wanted to flip around the idea of a bad map. Instead of a map which dosen't do it's job, or a map that looks a bit rubbish, I thought it would be an interesting change to do a map about a bad thing. So this map illustrates all the locations where there have been mass shootings in the United States in 2023. Devastatingly, at the time of producing this map, there have been 518.
Draw a map of Asia on a Pumpkin
Thought it would be amusing to use up a leftover Haloween pumpkin and fancied challenging myself to draw Asia given there are lots of interestingly shaped countries in the region.
Illustrate the difference in tourism revenue between the different provences in Thailand
Code Tourism Data Geospatial Data
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
- Geopandas
This took me far far longer than anticipated and taught me quite a lot about translating SQL into Pandas
Show you the way to Amarillo (from New York where the writers of the hit were based at the time)
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
I initially tried using follium for this but had a lot of issues. Instead I had to use google to find the route and then manually harvest the co-ordinates so I could plot them on the map. I also built a mapbox style from scratch in the colour scheme used by the song's original almbum cover but for some reason plotly wasn't showing the location lables so I had to go with the standard mapbox v11 dark mode style instead. Overall felt pretty frustrated by this map because I was very excited by the idea, and not only does the route look pretty boring, but the overall look of the map does not at all reflect the effort that went into it. It's also pretty frustrating that this map has put me even further behind than I was in the challenge, and it looks really pretty basic and boring for my trouble.
Map the usage of the different major languages in South Africa
Code Language Data Geospatial Data
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
- Geopandas
I don't think I really anticipated making quite so many maps in one day, which is why I ended up keeping them very similar in format to the Thailand Map
Recycling day 4 data to build a hexbin map
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Plotly
Honestly I had an exhausting day today so I decided to go with something pretty simple and recycle my day 4 data.
Map the extent and ground ice levels of the permafrost areas in Canada
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Geopandas
- Excel
- Paint
Unfortunately the only data I could find is pretty out of date (pre 2000) but I'm quite proud of how this map turned out nonetheless.
Plot a retro issue! Counties consuming the most CFC's (which damage the Ozone Layer)
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Geopandas
- Excel
- Paint
Very much an art focused rather than scientific focused map. Used Paint to add the retro visuals and the font used was Jokerman. Some of the data for countries didn't join properly - some of this was due to accesnts in the names in the geospatial data but there were other occasions which I could not solve.
Plot a relief map of the Chilean Andes
- Aerialod
Plot countries based on number of album sales by Taylor Swift
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Geopandas
- Plotly
Code Sales Data Shapefile Data
Artistically plot some of the 'best' places in Norway to see the Northern Lights
- Python
- Os
- Pandas
- Plotly
- Mapbox Studio
Custom mapbox base map built using Mapbox Studio.
Use Prettymaps to plot somewhere that looks interesting from above.
Inspired by last year's use of the prettymapp app
Plot a relief map of New Zealand and the surrounding seabed
- Aerialod
Make an artistic map of the river watercourses in Ontario.
- Python
- Geopandas
- Os
- Pandas
- Inspired by last year's lines map Really struggled with todays theme, I had several really cool ideas but there was either no data, no information on how to achieve the idea, or no time. Beware of the data, that file is a monster, it took ages to run just the import statement!
Compare countries who produce the most total CO2 with countries that produce the most CO2 per capita
- Python
- os
- Pandas
- Plotly
Visualised countries who were outwith the range of a box whisker chart of all the countries values.
Plot a map as fast as I can!
- Python
- Osmnx
Use the route planning feature on Strava to plot a route spelling out the word "outdoors", the record myself walking the route.
- Strava
- Walking
- Patience!
This honestly turned out far better than I thought it was going to.
Produce a contour map of the Mariana Trench
This was a difficult map to produce given the scale of both the extent and the depth of the area. To have detailed contours, you have to zoom in very far, and you can't see the full extent of the trench. To see the full extent of the trench, you have to reduce the frequency of the contours.
Play around with locked positions in mapbox studio.
- Mapbox Studio
Plot a relief map of the Falkland Islands and the surrounding seabed
- Aerialod
Play with REM's and Lidar Data
Continue to play with REM's and Lidar Data and explore their depictions of glaciers and the striations they produce.
The data was only at a resolution of 8m so things are a little rougher than I'd like.
Plot a minimalist road map of Verona, Italy
- Python
- Osmnx
Inspired by the Itallian person I could hear talking in the background as I made this
Draw size proportional dots for the provinces of Denmark
- Microsoft Power Point
To be honest I wasn't really sure what the difference between this "dot" theme and day 1's "points" theme was so I just tried to produce something that looked a bit different.