released this
09 Oct 15:49
Version 2.4.2
Area of Effects should no longer double trigger on cast as if an extra round had elapsed.
Vulnerability now works properly on combined damage types (IE: Slashing/Bludgeoning)
Shadow Enchantment
Scrolls should now be available and craftable.
Believe In Yourself
Now correctly has CL scale buff duration.
Burst of Sonic Energy
Now applies the correct amount of damage instead of triggering chaotic healing.
Field of Flowers
Now applies the correct debuffs instead of using Repulsive Nature's debuffs.
Repulsive Nature
Now uses the correct spell DC and actually applies its debuffs on fail.
Water Push
Now has working targeting and effects.
Nature's Grasp
Now deals the correct amount of damage.
Sudden Squall
Now has working targeting and debuff.
Friendly Hug
Now has fully working immunities.
Unbreakable Bond
Now has fully working immunities.
Water Torrent
Now has working targeting and debuff.
Ode to Miraculous Magic
Now correctly has CL scale buff duration.
Songs of Steel
No longer procs extra spell effects from the spell damage, deals the bonus damage based on CL, and applies only on first hit.
Protection of Nature
Concealment no longer is bypassed by true seeing.
Joy of Life
Now converts outgoing damage to Holy.
Amulet Of Quick Draw
No longer creates excessive damage instance and now functions correctly with critical hits.
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