Dockerized graph database as referenced in:
J. Alfredo Blakeley-Ruiz, Stephen K. Grady, Carissa Bleker, Michael A. Langston, and Robert L. Hettich (2020) Highly connected metabolic networks and discriminatory reactions for necrotizing enterocolitis extracted from metaproteomics of preterm human infant gut microbiomes. (forthcoming)
Feel free to create an issue with questions.
Minimal data is kept in this repo. Files are avalible in the Massive repository, identifier MSV000086096.
To create a copy of the graphDB on you own computer you will need docker and docker-compose.
Clone this repo to your computer.
git clone
Build the neo4j container with the graph. (It may take a few minutes to download the graph dump. )
cd PretermMetaproteomeGraphDB docker build --tag proteomegraph .
Run the image:
docker run -it -p 7474:7474 -p 1337:1337 -p 7687:7687 proteomegraph
And visit http://localhost:7474/.
Start up the neo4j database and linked jupyter notebook with docker-compose. To run the first time, navigate to the folder (containing docker-compose.yml) and type:
docker-compose up
Thereafter you can use
docker-compose start
To stop the containers, use:
docker-compose stop
Or to stop and remove them:
docker-compose down
Open your browser at the http://localhost:8888/?token=... link printed to the terminal. If the logs are not printed, run
docker-compose logs | grep 'http://localhost:.*/?token' | tail -1
to find the correct link.
If you need to remove the graph image.
Remove the container:
docker-compose down
Or get the container ID from the first column in:
docker ps -a | grep proteomegraph
And delete it using:
docker rm <container ID>
Delete the image:
docker rmi proteomegraph
Delete the folder with the graph data (if it exists).
sudo rm -rf ~/neo4j/data/proteome/