lda originally stands for Latent Dirichlet Allocation which is a statistical approach for the unsupervised extraction of themes in a text, so called topic modeling.
This repository developed further and now provides a the following methods to analyse collections of documents:
- topicModeling.py - uses gensim to extract the most relevant topics
- frequencyAnalysis.py - returns most frequent words based on the Stanford Named-Entity Recognizer
- classification.py - analysis and classification of document features with scikit-learn
- gensim - Topic Modeling for Humans
Gensim is a free Python library designed to automatically extract semantic topics from documents by implementing Latent Semantic Analysis, Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Term-Frequency Inverse-Document Frequency models.
pip install --upgrade gensim
- Scikit-learn - Machine Learning for Python
Scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library which includes various classification, regression and clustering algorithms like support vector machines, random forests, naive bayes and k-means.
pip install -U scikit-learn
NLTK provides various tools to work with texts written in natural language. For this project tokenization, stemming and tagging are used.
sudo pip install -U nltk
To install NLTK Data run the Python interpreter with the commands:
import nltk
- pandas
pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with structured (tabular, multidimensional, potentially heterogeneous) and time series data both easy and intuitive. To read excel files also the xlrd packages is required.
pip install pandas
pip install xlrd
- Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER)
Stanford Named Entity Recognizer labels sequences of words in a text which represent proper names for persons, locations and organizations. The Stanford NER is included in this repository.
Use the following command to run the scripts:
python topicModeling.py
python frequencyAnalysis.py
python classification.py
In the TopicModeling and frequencyAnalysis files the following parameters can be adapted and are stored as an info object:
data - specifies the name of the collection. At different collections are available: ICAAD, NIPS, scifibooks
preprocess - flag for preprocessing: * 0 - loads preprocessed documents if found * 1 - runs preprocessing and saves documents
startDoc - index of document to start upload
numberDoc - number of documents for the preprocessing. Default is None to load all documents
specialChars - remove these characters from text
includeEntities - when set to 1 the Stanford named-entity recognizer extracts the names, organizations and locations from the documents
lowerfilter - removes all words from dictionary which appear in less than n (int) documents
uperfilter - removes all words from dictionary which appear in more than x (float) per cent of the documents
modelType - LDA for Latent Dirichlet Allocation or LSI for Latent Semantic Indexing
numberTopics - specify how many topics are extracted
tfidf - use term-frequency inverse-document frequency weighting to train the model
passes - indicates how often the algorithm is trained
iterations - maximal number of iterations in each step of the LDA, less iterations are done when the parameter rho is exceeded
online - splits data into chunks for faster convergence
chunksize - size of chunks for online training
multicore - use multi core processing to speed up training
whiteList - use only the words in the white list to build the dictionary
analyseDictionary - displays document frequency of words
categories - list of category words to describe the topics
The classification script by default loads a csv file.
- path - specifies the location and name of the file
- predictColumn - determines which column is selected to be classified
- dropList - contains all columns that are ignored in the classification
The folder Unittests contains the tests corresponding to each module. nose provides an easy way to run all tests together.
Install nose with:
pip install nose
Run the tests with:
nosetests Unittests/