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PredictRVs code
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A python file containing all functionality and an ipython Jupyter notebook detailing an example.
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ThomasGWilson authored Aug 21, 2024
0 parents commit 9de8f15
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177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions Predict_RVs.ipynb

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# coding: utf-8

import juliet
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator
import numpy as np
from pyBGLS import bglsconst, bglsfreq, gls
import radvel
from tqdm import tqdm


def RV_model(nplanets, results, mod_times, kep_type='med'):
A function to produce radvel summed Keplerian models for one or more planets from the output of a Juliet analysis.
nplanets = number of planets as an integer
result = RV analysis results as a Juliet results object
mod_times = times over which to produce the Keplerian model as a 1D array
kep_type = selection of the nominal, or upper or lower bounds of the RV analysis results as a string
returns the Keplerian model 1D array
synth_params = radvel.Parameters(nplanets, basis='per tc e w k')

if nplanets > 0:
if kep_type == 'med':
indx = 0
elif kep_type == 'upp':
indx = 1
elif kep_type == 'low':
indx = 2
indx = 0
for h in np.arange(nplanets):
synth_params['per'+str(h+1)] = radvel.Parameter(value = juliet.utils.get_quantiles(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['P_p'+str(h+1)])[0], vary = False)
synth_params['tc'+str(h+1)] = radvel.Parameter(value = juliet.utils.get_quantiles(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['t0_p'+str(h+1)])[0], vary = False)
synth_params['e'+str(h+1)] = radvel.Parameter(value = juliet.utils.get_quantiles(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['ecc_p'+str(h+1)])[0], vary = False)
synth_params['w'+str(h+1)] = radvel.Parameter(value = juliet.utils.get_quantiles(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['omega_p'+str(h+1)])[0], vary = False)
synth_params['k'+str(h+1)] = radvel.Parameter(value = juliet.utils.get_quantiles(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['K_p'+str(h+1)])[indx], vary = False)

synth_params['dvdt'] = radvel.Parameter(value=0, vary = False)
synth_params['curv'] = radvel.Parameter(value=0, vary = False)
synth_model = radvel.RVModel(params=synth_params)
y_rv = synth_model(mod_times)

return y_rv


def ecdf(a):
A function to conduct a cumulative distribution function analysis of an array.
a = data array as a 1D array
returns the data cumulative distribution function
x, counts = np.unique(a, return_counts=True)
cusum = np.cumsum(counts)
y = cusum / cusum[-1]
x = np.insert(x, 0, x[0])
y = np.insert(y, 0, 0.)

return y[1:]


def sim_Data(times,errors,jitter,offset,nseasons,mod_times,rv_mod_med,rv_mod_upp,rv_mod_low,year_d):
A function to produce simulted radial velocity data for a defined number of seasons using previous observations and results of a Juliet analysis of the data projected over the requested time.
times = times of observed RVs as a 1D array
errors = errors of observed RVs as a 1D array
jitter = RV scatter result from Juliet analysis as a float
offset = number of seasons between first observed RVs and beginning of simulated data as an integer
nseasons = number of seasons of simulated data to be covered as an integer
mod_times = times over which to produce the Keplerian model as a 1D array
rv_mod_med = Keplerian model of the nominal of the RV analysis results as a string
rv_mod_upp = Keplerian model of the upper bounds of the RV analysis results as a string
rv_mod_low = Keplerian model of the lower bounds of the RV analysis results as a string
year_d = constant year length as a float
returns the simulated times, radial velocity, and radial velocity error arrays
if nseasons > offset:
sim_times, sim_rves = [], []
for h in np.arange(nseasons):
times_CDF = ecdf(times)
sim_times_temp = np.array([sorted(times)[np.argmin(abs(times_CDF-i))] for i in np.random.rand(len(times))])+((offset+h)*year_d)
sim_times = np.append(sim_times,sim_times_temp)

rve_CDF = ecdf(errors)
sim_rves_temp = np.array([sorted(errors)[np.argmin(abs(rve_CDF-i))] for i in np.random.rand(len(errors))])
sim_rves = np.append(sim_rves,sim_rves_temp)
times_CDF = ecdf(times)
sim_times = np.array([sorted(times)[np.argmin(abs(times_CDF-i))] for i in np.random.rand(len(times))])+(offset*year_d)

rve_CDF = ecdf(errors)
sim_rves = np.array([sorted(errors)[np.argmin(abs(rve_CDF-i))] for i in np.random.rand(len(errors))])

pred_rv_med = np.array([rv_mod_med[np.argmin(abs(i-mod_times))] for i in sim_times])
pred_rv_upp = np.array([rv_mod_upp[np.argmin(abs(i-mod_times))] for i in sim_times])
pred_rv_low = np.array([rv_mod_low[np.argmin(abs(i-mod_times))] for i in sim_times])

rv_unc = np.hypot(np.nanmean(errors),jitter)
pred_mod_unc = np.array([max(abs(pred_rv_upp[index]-pred_rv_med[index]),abs(pred_rv_med[index]-pred_rv_low[index])) for index, i in enumerate(pred_rv_med)])
pred_comb_unc = np.array([np.hypot(i,rv_unc) for i in pred_mod_unc])
sim_rvs = np.array([np.random.normal(pred_rv_med[index],pred_comb_unc[index]) for index, i in enumerate(pred_rv_med)])

season_mask = (sim_times < min(sim_times)+nseasons*year_d)
return sim_times[season_mask], sim_rvs[season_mask], sim_rves[season_mask]


def periodogram(farray, t, d, e, n):
A function to conduct a BGLS periodogram of data.
farray = set of frequencies to conduct the periodogram over as a 1D array
t = RV times as a 1D array
d = RV data as a 1D array
e = RV errors as a 1D array
n = number of observations as an integer
returns the RV semi-amplitude values and errors, and periodogram power and log likelihood 1D arrays
W, Y, YYh = bglsconst(t, d, e)
K = [np.float_(x) for x in range(0)]
Kerr = [np.float_(x) for x in range(0)]
power = [np.float_(x) for x in range(0)]
logl = [np.float_(x) for x in range(0)]
for f in farray:
result = gls(t[:n], d[:n], e[:n], f, W, Y)
result2 = bglsfreq(t[:n], d[:n], e[:n], f, W, Y)

return K, Kerr, power, logl


def stackBGLS(pmin, pmax, t, d, e, oversamp=4.):
A function to conduct a stacked BGLS periodogram of data.
pmin = minimum period to conduct the periodogram over as an integer or float
pmax = maximum period to conduct the periodogram over as an integer or float
t = RV times as a 1D array
d = RV data as a 1D array
e = RV errors as a 1D array
oversamp = value to over-sample the period and frequency arrays as an integer or float
returns the RV semi-amplitude values and errors, and periodogram power and log likelihood 2D arrays, and period 1D array
fs = 1/pmax
fe = 1/pmin

df = 1/oversamp/(np.max(t) - np.min(t))
dP = df/fe/fe

nf = np.int64(0.5+(pmax-pmin)/dP)
Parray = np.linspace(pmin,pmax,nf)
farray = 1/Parray

K, Kerr, power, logl = periodogram(farray, t, d, e, 3)
K2D = [K]
Kerr2D = [Kerr]
power2D = [power]
logl2D = [logl]
for i in tqdm(range(4,len(t)),desc="stack"):
K, Kerr, power, logl = periodogram(farray, t, d, e, i)

return K2D, Kerr2D, power2D, logl2D, Parray


def predict_RVs(bjd,rv,rve,T0,P,K,ecc,omega,nseasons,pmin,pmax):
A function to produce simulated radial velocities using observed data. A Keplerian model is produced from a Juliet analysis to the data that is propagated into the future and from which the simulated radial velocities are drawn. A stacked BGLS periodogram is conducted to retrieve the SNR of planet semi-amplitudes over the range of simulated data. Plots of the observed and simulated radial velocities, the stacked BGLS periodogram, and SNR estimates are shown.
bjd = RV times as a 1D array
rv = RV data as a 1D array
rve = RV errors as a 1D array
T0 = transit centre time of a planet for use in Juliet analysis as a 1D array of ufloat objects
P = orbital period of a planet for use in Juliet analysis as a 1D array of ufloat objects
K = semi-amplitude of a planet for use in Juliet analysis as a 1D array of ufloat objects
ecc = orbital eccentricity of a planet for use in Juliet analysis as a 1D array of ufloat objects
omega = orbital argument of periastron of a planet for use in Juliet analysis as a 1D array of ufloat objects
nseasons = number of seasons of simulated data to be covered as an integer
pmin = minimum period to conduct the periodogram over as an integer or float
pmax = maximum period to conduct the periodogram over as an integer or float
instrument = 'HARPSN'
priors = {}

params = ['mu_'+instrument,'sigma_w_'+instrument]
dists = ['uniform', 'loguniform']
hyperps = [[np.median(rv)-(5*np.std(rv)),np.median(rv)+(5*np.std(rv))], [1e-3, 100]]

if len(P) > 0:
for h in np.arange(len(P)):

# Populate the priors dictionary:
for param, dist, hyperp in zip(params, dists, hyperps):
priors[param] = {}
priors[param]['distribution'], priors[param]['hyperparameters'] = dist, hyperp

times, rvs, rv_errors = {},{},{}
times[instrument], rvs[instrument], rv_errors[instrument] = bjd,rv,rve

out_folder = 'TEMP_rvs'
dataset = juliet.load(priors = priors, t_rv = times, y_rv = rvs, yerr_rv = rv_errors, out_folder = out_folder)
results = = 1000, sampler='dynesty')


year_d = 365.2422
offset = math.ceil((np.max(dataset.times_rv['HARPSN'])-np.min(dataset.times_rv['HARPSN']))/year_d)
min_time, max_time = np.min(dataset.times_rv['HARPSN'])-30, np.min(dataset.times_rv['HARPSN'])+((offset+nseasons)*year_d)
x_rv = np.linspace(min_time,max_time,int((max_time-min_time)*24*60))

y_rv_med = RV_model(len(P), results, x_rv, kep_type='med')
y_rv_upp = RV_model(len(P), results, x_rv, kep_type='upp')
y_rv_low = RV_model(len(P), results, x_rv, kep_type='low')

jitter = np.median(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['sigma_w_'+instrument])
mu = np.median(results.posteriors['posterior_samples']['mu_'+instrument])

sim_times, sim_rvs, sim_rves = sim_Data(bjd,rve,jitter,offset,nseasons,x_rv,y_rv_med,y_rv_upp,y_rv_low,year_d)


fig1 = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True,figsize=(15,10))
gs = fig1.add_gridspec(4, 4)
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(gs[:-1, :])
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

colors = ['cornflowerblue','orangered']

yerr = dataset.errors_rv[instrument],fmt='o',\
mec=colors[0], ecolor=colors[0], mfc=colors[0], label='Observed data',\
alpha = 1, zorder=5, ms=10)

yerr = sim_rves,fmt='o',\
mec=colors[1], ecolor=colors[1], mfc=colors[1], label='Simulated data',\
alpha = 1, zorder=5, ms=10)

ax1.plot(x_rv-2457000, y_rv_med, lw=1, c='black')
ax1.fill_between(x_rv-2457000, y_rv_upp, y_rv_low, color='grey',alpha=0.5,zorder=1)


ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(gs[-1:, :])
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

fitted_kep_real = []
for jindex, j in enumerate(dataset.times_rv[instrument]):
fitted_kep_real.append(y_rv_med[min(range(len(x_rv)), key=lambda i: abs(x_rv[i]-j))])

yerr = dataset.errors_rv[instrument],fmt='o',\
mec=colors[0], ecolor=colors[0], mfc=colors[0],\
alpha = 1, zorder=5, ms=10)

fitted_kep_sim = []
for jindex, j in enumerate(sim_times):
fitted_kep_sim.append(y_rv_med[min(range(len(x_rv)), key=lambda i: abs(x_rv[i]-j))])

yerr = sim_rves,fmt='o',\
mec=colors[1], ecolor=colors[1], mfc=colors[1],\
alpha = 1, zorder=5, ms=10)

ax2.plot([min_time-2457000, max_time-2457000], [0,0], color='black', ls="--", lw=3, zorder=1)


ax1.set_ylabel('Radial Velocity (m/s)', fontsize=24)
ax1.set_xlim([min_time-2457000, max_time-2457000])

ax1.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=24)
ax1.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=16, width=2, which='major', bottom=True, top=True)
ax1.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=10, width=2, which='major', left=True, right=True)
ax1.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=8, width=1, which='minor', bottom=True, top=True)
ax1.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=5, width=1, which='minor', left=True, right=True)

ax2.set_ylabel('Residuals (m/s)', fontsize=24)
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (BJD - 2457000)', fontsize=24)
ax2.set_xlim([min_time-2457000, max_time-2457000])

ax2.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=24)
ax2.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=16, width=2, which='major', bottom=True, top=True)
ax2.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=10, width=2, which='major', left=True, right=True)
ax2.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=8, width=1, which='minor', bottom=True, top=True)
ax2.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=5, width=1, which='minor', left=True, right=True)


bjd_all = np.append(bjd,sim_times)
rv_all = np.append(rv,sim_rvs)
rve_all = np.append(rve,sim_rves)

w = 1/rve_all/rve_all
unit = np.ones_like(w)
t = bjd_all -,bjd_all)/,unit)
d = rv_all -,rv_all)/,unit)

K2D, Kerr2D, power2D, logl2D, Parray = stackBGLS(pmin, pmax, t, d, rve_all, oversamp=4.)



left = Parray[0]
right = Parray[-1]
bottom = 0
top = len(t)



cbar = plt.colorbar(pad=0.025, format='%.2f')
cbar.set_label('log Likelihood', fontsize=24)
plt.xlabel(r'Period [d]', fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel(r'Observation number', fontsize=24)

plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=24)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=16, width=2, which='major', bottom=True, top=True)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=10, width=2, which='major', left=True, right=True)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=8, width=1, which='minor', bottom=True, top=True)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=5, width=1, which='minor', left=True, right=True);


for j in P:

BGLS_period = Parray[(Parray>(j.n-0.5)) & (Parray<(j.n+0.5))][np.argmax(np.array(logl2D[-1])[(Parray>(j.n-0.5)) & (Parray<(j.n+0.5))])]
BGLS_SNR = np.array([i[np.argmin(abs(Parray-BGLS_period))] for i in K2D])/np.array([i[np.argmin(abs(Parray-BGLS_period))] for i in Kerr2D])

fig1 = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True,figsize=(10,6))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot()
ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(BGLS_SNR),len(BGLS_SNR)),BGLS_SNR,"ko",label='P = ' + str(np.around(BGLS_period,decimals=2)) + ' d')
ax1.set_xlabel("Number of Observations", fontsize=24)
ax1.set_ylabel("SNR", fontsize=24)

ax1.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=24)
ax1.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=16, width=2, which='major', bottom=True, top=True)
ax1.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=10, width=2, which='major', left=True, right=True)
ax1.tick_params(axis="x", direction="inout", length=8, width=1, which='minor', bottom=True, top=True)
ax1.tick_params(axis="y", direction="inout", length=5, width=1, which='minor', left=True, right=True)


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