A lightweight http server
Using Gradle
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://maven.thesimpleteam.net/snapshots'
dependencies {
implementation "net.thesimpleteam:picoHTTP:1.3-SNAPSHOT"
public class Server {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try(PicoHTTP http = new PicoHTTP(8080)) {
http.addRoutes(Server.class, new Server());
http.addRoute("/test.js", (client) -> client.send(200, "OK", ContentTypes.JS, "console.log('Hello World')"));
while(true) {} //It's a way to avoid closing the server
//Automatically added
public void helloWorld(Client client) throws IOException {
client.send(200, "Ok", ContentTypes.PLAIN, "Hello World");
@Path(value = "/", method = HTTPMethods.POST)
public void postExamle(Client client) throws IOException {
String data = client.data();
String contentType = client.getHeaders().get("Content-Type");
//Your code
client.send(501, "Not Implemented");
@Path("/hello/\\w+") //Regex example
public void helloSomeone(Client client) throws IOException {
String name = client.path().split("/")[2]; //When you split the path it should return something like {"", "hello", "(theName)"}
client.send(200, "Ok", ContentTypes.PLAIN, "Hello " + name);