Simuulation of a urdf differential drive robot in ROS and GAZEBO which avoids obstacles
- About the Project
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Results and Demo
- Future Work
- Troubleshooting
- Contributors
- Acknowledgements and Resources
- License
The aim of the project is used to simulate a two_wheeled robot using ROS and GAZEBO and make it avoid the obstacles by writting a python script. I have wriiten a urdf for the robot design and basic concepts of path planning are used to avoid obstacles.
Software used for this project :
- ROS(Kinetic)
- Clone the repo
- Run catkin_make
- Launch your terminal and run the command roslaunch worlds <world_name>.launch. This will launch the gazebo enviroment
- In another terminal, run the command roslaunch bot_description spawn.launch. This will load the robot in the environment at origin. It can be spawned at different location by giving additional arguments like x:=3 y:=8 z:=7.
- In another terminal run rosrun path_planning This will start the robot and obstacle avoidance algorithm
- Check the required versions of the software are correctly installed as it gives a lot of errors which doesn't mention this problem.
- Check the identation while writing codes
- Use proper package path and model name for launch files
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Tejal Bedmutha. Go to License for full license.