$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TeenCorn/UbuntMini_i3wm/master/setup.sh && chmod +x setup.sh
Let it do it's magick
Keep checking back on it while it installs because EULAs and options will pop up from time to time
Currently, one of last things done is changing the $PATH variable in /etc/zsh/zshenv
export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games"
export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:$HOME/.local/bin"
This is done manually :(
Todo: Figure out how to do this automatically with bash later
- Terminess Nerd Font
Keybindings found in
Workspace 10 is dedicated to music playing. This workspace has a layout bound to a keybinding. So when you:
it automatically fills the screen with the setup above
The setup.sh script ask you whether or not you would like to uninstall Flash from your computer since it's automatically installed with ubuntu-restricted-extras.
REGARDLESS of the choice you make, y/n, the script will install
I do this because I will eventually get rid of it later and so I won't have to install gstreamer manually later on. I only have flash because I need it for a website for my class.
By default gaps are turned off but can be activated with
To turn off gaps
Polybar launch scripts are in: