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A multi-paradigm programming language designed for the Java Virtual Machine
The goals used to design Stab were as follows:
- The syntax should be readable without difficulties by Java/C# programmers
- The execution of a Stab program should be as efficient as the execution of the same program written in Java
- The generated bytecode should be usable transparently from Java
- The Java libraries should be usable from Stab programs without adaptations
All the features listed below are implemented and tested. The compiler is stable enough to compile its own source code (Stab is written 100% in Stab).
A beta version is available for download.
This section presents an overview of the features found in the Stab language. Additional information can be found here: StabLanguage.
Stab has almost all the features that can be found in Java:
- The same primitive types and operators with automatic boxing/unboxing
- Arrays, classes, interfaces, enums, constructors, fields and methods
- Methods with variable number of arguments
- C-like
statements - Exception handling with
blocks and methods- Compile-time generic programming including constraints and wildcards
- Annotations
- Stab supports nested classes but not inner classes. To access a non-static member of an outer class, an explicit reference must be used.
A local variable declared using the contextual keyword var
has its type inferred from the type of the initial value.
var s = "abc"; // 's' is now a string each time it is used in this scope
var i = 0; // 'i' is an int
var m = new HashMap<String, String>();
int var = 0; // 'var' is a contextual keyword. It can be used as an identifier
To provide a partial replacement of anonymous classes, the language has delegates. Delegates can be used to store and combine pairs of objects and methods for a later invocation. For example:
using java.lang;
public class Test {
delegate void D(int i);
public static void main(String[] args) {
var obj = new Test();
var d = new D(obj.m1);
d += new D(obj.m2);
void m1(int i) {
System.out.println("From m1: " + i);
void m2(int i) {
System.out.println("From m2: " + i);
The output is: From m1: 123 From m2: 123
Another step to replace inner classes is to provide lambda expressions. Lambda expressions can be assigned to delegate types but also to interfaces with a single method. This way they can be used directly in numerous places with existing libraries.
using java.lang;
public class Test {
delegate int Func(int n);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Func fact = null; fact = p => (p < 1) ? 1 : p * fact(p - 1);
var arg = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
System.out.println("fact(" + arg + ") = " + fact(arg));
Implementations of java.lang.Iterable<T>
and java.util.Iterator<T>
can be done easily using the yield return
and yield break
using java.lang;
using stab.lang;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var result = 1;
foreach (var i in range(1, 5)) {
result *= i;
System.out.println("fact(5) = " + result);
static IntIterable range(int start, int count) {
while (count-- > 0) {
yield return start++;
Note: The interface stab.lang.IntIterable
(a sub-interface of java.lang.Iterable<Integer>
) is used here to avoid any boxing/unboxing when the iterable is used in a foreach
Extension methods are static methods called using the instance method syntax. For example a where
method to filter the contents of a java.lang.Iterable<T>
can be implemented the following way:
using java.lang;
using java.util;
interface Filter<T> {
boolean invoke(T item);
static class Extensions {
// Extension methods are declared using the 'this' modifier
// on the first parameter
static Iterable<T> where<T>(this Iterable<T> source, Filter<T> filter) {
foreach (var s in source) {
if (filter.invoke(s)) {
yield return s;
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var list = new ArrayList<String> { "a", "aa", "aaa" }; // Lambda expressions can be used to implement simple interfaces
foreach (var s in list.where(p => p.length() > 1)) {
The output is: aa aaa
To continue with syntactic sugar, properties and indexers can be declared in classes and methods (or specified on third party libraries). Here is the syntax:
class C {
// Manually implemented property
private int myProperty;
public int MyProperty {
get { return myProperty; }
set { myProperty = value; }
// Indexer
private int[] array;
public int this[int i] {
get { return array[i]; }
set { array[i] = value; }
// Automatically implemented property
public int MyProperty2 { get; set; }
The compiler generates methods following the Java beans convention for properties, and a pair of getItem()
/ setItem()
methods for indexers. These methods are decorated with annotations to allow the compiler to detect properties and indexers in compiled code. The compiler also use a mechanism to add annotations on external libraries. A library is provided to annotate some classes of the Java platform. For example, java.lang.String.charAt()
and java.util.Map.put()
are specified as indexers.
Anonymous objects are used to easily create temporary objects inside a method. The syntax to declare anonymous objects is:
// Property names explicitly specified
var obj1 = new { Name = "John", Age = 30 };
// obj2 has 'Name' and 'Age' properties deduced from expressions
var obj2 = new { obj1.Name, obj1.Age };
and hashCode
methods are overriden on anonymous objects. For instance obj1.equals(obj2) == true
in the previous example because the two objects have Name
and Age
properties declared in the same order with the same types and the same values. Anonymous object properties are read-only.
All the previous features put together and it becomes possible to implement LINQ like it is specified in C#:
using java.lang;
using stab.query;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Sorts the arguments starting with "-" by length and then
// using the default string comparison
var query = from s in Query.asIterable(args) where s.startsWith("-") orderby s.length(), s select s;
foreach (var s in query) {
Which is a syntactic mapping to:
using java.lang;
using stab.query;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var query = Query.asIterable(args). where(s => s.startsWith("-")). orderBy(s => s.length()).thenBy(s => s);
foreach (var s in query) {
The package stab.query
provides all the extension methods required to use LINQ on java.lang.Iterable<T>
but queries can be used on virtually everything if the necessary methods are provided (what is called Query expression pattern in the C# specification).
The using
statement can be used to automatically dispose resources:
using (var reader = new FileReader("test.txt")) {
// Read the file
is equivalent to:
var reader = new FileReader("test.txt");
try {
// Read the file
finally {
if (reader != null)
Because the Java platform does not have a common interface to specify disposable objects, the Stab compiler uses the stab.lang.Dispose
annotation to find the method to call to dispose the instances of a given type.
Stab has a preprocessor similar to the preprocessor of the C# language:
- Symbols can defined with
and undefined with#undef
. - Parts of the source code can be skipped using
- Regions can be specified with
- Errors and warnings can be triggered by
- Warnings can be disabled with
#pragma warning
- Current line and filename can be overriden using
- Symbols can be defined externally using an option of the command line compiler.
Classes with the partial
modifier can have their definitions split into one or more files. Methods with the partial
modifier can have an optional implementation.
As a complement to the preprocessor and to partial classes for automatic code generation, the goto statement is supported. It can be used to jump in the same lexical scope, or an enclosing scope.
The switch
statement is extended to work with java.lang.String
in addition to integral and enumerated values.
It is also an error to fall through one case to another. goto case <label>;
or goto default;
must be used.
The following syntax can be used to initialize object properties:
class C {
String Name { get; set; }
int Age { get; set; }
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var c = new C { Name = "John", Age = 30 };
System.out.println("Name = " + c.Name + " Age = " + c.Age);
The following syntax can be used to initialize objects with add
or put
var list = new ArrayList<String> { { "a" }, { "b" }, { "c" } };
var map = new HashMap<String, String> { { "key1", "value1" }, { "key2", "value2" } };
When the add
or put
method has a single argument, a more compact form can be used and the initialization of the previous list becomes: var list = new ArrayList<String> { "a", "b", "c" };
Identifiers can be preceded by @
to allow keywords to be used as identifiers.
Types and packages can be renamed locally in a file in order to avoid ambiguities, or just for cosmetic reasons.
Package aliasing:
using ju = java.util;
using ja = java.awt;
class C { ju.List list1; ja.List list2; }
Type aliasing:
using StringList = java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>;
class C { StringList list = new StringList(); }
Calls to a method decorated with the stab.lang.Conditional
annotation can be included or removed by the compiler from the generated bytecode depending on defined preprocessor symbols. For example, simple assertions can be implemented like this:
using java.lang;
using stab.lang;
public class Debug {
[Conditional({ "DEBUG" })]
public static void assert(boolean test) {
if (!test)
throw new Exception("Assertion failed");
A method can be instrumented this way:
\# define DEBUG
public class Test { public void method(int arg) { Debug.assert(arg > 0); } }
Null coalescing
var a = b ?? c;
is equivalent to var a = (b != null) ? b : c;
var a = b as T;
is equivalent to var a = (b instanceof T) ? (T)b : null;
Comments starting with ///
or /**
are considered XML comments and can be extracted using an option of the command line compiler.