Added the beacon back into TTT2, an equipment that was disabled long ago in base TTT
Can only be bought by policing roles
Creates a wallhack in a sphere around it, which is visible to everyone
Added recognizable badge for builtin
equipment and roles (by @EntranceJew )
Buy Equipment menu has builtin
indicators, replacing the (C)
custom marker decorating a majority of equipment
F1 > Edit Equipment
now has builtin
indicators on equipment
Added tooltip to F1 > Edit Equipment
menu with the equipment's class name.
F1 > Role Settings
now has builtin
indicators for roles
F1 > Edit Shops
now has builtin
indicators for roles
Updated the Turkish localization file (by @NovaDiablox )
Radio can now only be picked up by placer
Radar now clears existing waypoints when removed or on changing role (by @EntranceJew )
Comboboxes can now handle numbers and strings as values
Defaults work now with numbers
OnChange-Callback is called with the correct type for ConVars
Binoculars scan no longer gets interrupted when changing zoom level
Fixed missing water level icon breaking scoreboard
DNA Tester works now with more than one fingerprint on a weapon
TraitorButton config files should now actually work
Translation strings not rendering on detective's body search mode combobox
C4 defusal prompt now suggesting the right key
Disable to unscope from weapons without ironsights
Fixed typo preventing targetid from showing role icons correctly
Mitigated issue with CTakeDamageInfo becoming ephemeral outside their hook of origin
can now properly send to "All except traitors", as described.
Fixed corpses not listing their kills
Comboboxes now show correct values for database driven entries
Database-Callbacks are now called with the correct valuetype
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