This apps main "Map" page will let you track the spread of covid-19. News is available through the navigation bar. On the news page the user will first see all the top news articles related to covid-19 and will be able to search for articles relating to covid-19
I want the info reltaed to covid-19 to be available and the code to be open sourced so anyone can look through and verify non maliceous code or take what they want to make something better/more useful.
In production and available here
Node, Express, React
You will need an to generate a developement api key for the NewsApi and Google Maps.
Create a .env file in the client folder:
REACT_APP_MAP_KEY = your_google_maps_key_goes_here;
Create a .env in the root folder (no quotes)
NEWS_KEY = your_news_key_goes_here;