Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub.
Click the "Code" button.
Select the "Codespaces" tab.
Click on "Create codespace on main" (or the branch you want to work on). Once the Codespace is created, it will automatically open in a web-based VS Code environment. Wait for the Codespace to fully start.
Install Rails Run the following command to install Rails:
gem install rails
Install Dependencies Run the following command to install the required gems using Bundler:
bundle install
Ensure you are using the right ruby version.
Run the Server Start the Rails server by running:
rails s
Open the Web App The Rails server typically runs on port 3000. In the Codespace, click on the "Ports" tab to find the forwarded port (usually port 3000). Click on the URL provided to open web app in the browser.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
Install Rails Download and install Rails from RailsInstaller.
Install Ruby Download and install the latest version of Ruby from RubyInstaller.
Install Dependencies
- Download and install Node.js.
- Install Git from Git for Windows.
- Install Yarn from Yarn.
Install Rails Gem:
Open Command Prompt and run the following command to install Rails::gem install rails
Clone the forked repository
Navigate to the cloned repository directory.
Install Bundler and Dependencies: Install Bundler if it is not already installed:
gem install bundler
Install the required gems using Bundler:
bundle install
Ensure you are using the right ruby version.
Run the Rails Server
rails s
Open the Web App: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to view the website.
- This is a basic buddy app designed to store and retrieve user friends.
- Users can log in and add any other user as their buddy.
- Users are authenticated using their email and password.
- Users can edit their profiles.
- Each user can view only their friends list.
- Users are currently unable to log out once logged in.
- Create a fork of the repository with the format: <TeamName_Code_Debug_Q1_BTSC>.
- Ensure that you commit your changes before the deadline, otherwise it will not be considered.
- Before submitting, check whether all your commits have been updated.