Copy environment settings
cp .env.example .env
From folder '../laradock' pick up docker containers : nginx and mysql
cd laradock
cp env-example .env
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
docker-compose up nginx mysql
Check list of containers
docker ps
Come in workspace container in order to pull up requires
docker exec -it laradock_workspace_1 bash
install them :
composer install
(into container workspace) Create our tables + seeding default stadium
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Open our localhost and check
My application is a simple ticket reservation format with a user-friendly design.
All you need is to go to the standard stadium, select a sector in it and book a ticket by clicking on the place. Or you can create your own stadium by determining the number of sectors, rows and places of your choice
The reservation takes place in real time, therefore other users will immediately notice the reservated places during their presence on the sector. Also, the process of the booking of a place by someone is monitored by another color.