This repository provides tools for uploading, downloading and manipulating seatizen sessions on the zenodo platform
To ensure a consistent environment for all users, this project uses a Conda environment defined in a zenodo_env.yml
file. Follow these steps to set up your environment:
Install Conda: If you do not have Conda installed, download and install Miniconda or Anaconda.
Create the Conda Environment: Navigate to the root of the project directory and run the following command to create a new environment from the
file:conda env create -f zenodo_env.yml
Activate the Environment: Once the environment is created, activate it using:
conda activate zenodo_env
Create config.json: To use this repository, you need a config.json file at the root of the project containing your own ACCESS_TOKEN:
Other lib: Install mod-spatialite. Here for ubuntu 22.04
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-mod-spatialite
- Troubleshooting: If
sqlite3.OperationalError: /home/bioeos/miniconda3/envs/zenodo_env/bin/../lib/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.32' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo find / -name
to find your local file.
strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX
to check if the version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.32'
is present.
ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /home/bioeos/miniconda3/envs/zenodo_env/lib/
ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /home/bioeos/miniconda3/envs/zenodo_env/lib/
python -efol -pfol /media/bioeos/E/2015_plancha_session/ -ulo -ffi -fr -ne # Force inserting frame in database with no export and regenerate database.
python -efol -pfol /media/bioeos/E/poulain_syc -ulo -ffi -ne # Force inserting frame in database with no export.
python -ecsv -pcsv ../../Bioeos/OUTPUT_DATA/zenodo_suivi/processed_data_without_2015.csv -ulo -la ../../Bioeos/annotations_some_image/Export_human/ -ne # Add frames and import annotations.
python -eno -ulo -ssn 1 # Update database data (all class and label).
python -eno -ulo # Export all files.
-- Load prediction map of a class
SELECT f.GPSPosition,, mlp.score
FROM multilabel_prediction mlp
JOIN frame f ON = mlp.frame_id
JOIN multilabel_class mlc on = mlp.ml_class_id;
-- Load deposit linestring
SELECT d.session_name, d.platform_type, dl.footprint_linestring
FROM deposit_linestring dl
JOIN deposit d on d.doi = dl.deposit_doi
WHERE dl.footprint_linestring NOT NULL;
Contributions are welcome! To contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
- Commit your changes with clear, descriptive messages.
- Push your branch and submit a pull request.
This framework is distributed under the CC0-1.0 license. See LICENSE
for more information.