Main activity responsible for managing the UI and navigation.
- Initializes the activity when created.
- Sets content view to "activity_main" layout.
- Replaces the root view with CitiesFragment.
- Callback method triggered when a city is selected.
- Replaces the root view with WeatherForecastFragment for the selected city.
- Adds the transaction to the back stack for navigation purposes.
Fragment responsible for displaying a list of cities and fetching data from an API.
- Inflates the layout for the fragment.
- Sets up the ListView and ArrayAdapter.
- Defines onItemClick listener for ListView items.
- Calls
to start fetching data.
- Makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve a list of cities from the API.
- Parses the JSON response and populates the
ArrayList. - Notifies the adapter of dataset changes on the UI thread.
- Attaches the fragment to the context to communicate with the MainActivity.
- Interface for communicating with the MainActivity to replace the current fragment with WeatherForecastFragment on item click in the ListView.
Fragment responsible for displaying weather forecasts for a specific city.
- Static method to create a new instance of WeatherForecastFragment with a given city.
- Sets the city as an argument to pass to the fragment.
- Initializes the fragment.
- Retrieves the city object passed as an argument.
- Inflates the layout for the fragment.
- Displays the city name.
- Calls
to fetch weather data. - Sets up the RecyclerView and adapter for displaying weather forecasts.
- Makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve weather data from the Weather API.
- Parses the JSON response to extract the forecast URL.
- Calls
with the forecast URL.
- Makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve forecast data from the forecast URL.
- Parses the JSON response to extract forecast details.
- Updates the RecyclerView adapter with the forecast data.
- Inner class RecyclerView adapter for displaying weather forecasts.
- Inflates the layout for forecast list items.
- Binds forecast data to the ViewHolder.
- Returns the number of forecast items.
- Inner class representing ViewHolder for weather forecast items.
- Sets up the UI elements with forecast data.
Model class representing a city.
Model class representing a cities, states, latitude and longitude.
: Default constructor.City(String name, String state, double lat, double lng)
: Constructor with parameters.City(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException
: Constructor that parses a JSON object to initialize city data.
Model class representing a weather forecast.
: Default constructor.Forecast(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException
: Constructor that parses a JSON object to initialize forecast data.
ALL APIs Tested Using Postman