Author: Simon Žagar, 2012, Ljubljana
This repository holds the Eclipse project named 'NeckVeins 1.0' with the source code to my application Neck Veins. I developed it as a part of my bachelor's thesis "Visualisation of neck veins with OpenGL" at the University of Ljubljana.
It is meant for inspecting .obj files that I was given to work with during developement (as opposed to general .obj files).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
The file NeckVeins 1.0/main/ contains the following information about the licenses of libraries used: /*
- Libraries used are TWL, slick-util, xpp3 and LWJGL.
- Their licenses can be seen in one place by:
- compiling and running the program and selecting the "Licensing" button or
- by searching for String creditsString in this file.
- The licenses should also be accessible online and some are included with the library folders. */
This README was written Jan 18, 2013, Ljubljana by Simon Žagar.
DISCLAMER: I tried my best to respect the licenses of the libraries I used. The compiled program may freeze if you use it to load an .obj file that is too big and use subdivision surface.