This is a reference NFT Staking Program & Client for Solana NFTs. This program is compatible with both Candy Machine v1 and Candy Machine v2 NFTs.
Use at your own risk. I will not answer any support-related inquiries about this repository. If you have any issues or want any changes made, please make a fork or open a pull request.
This program was initially built during Solana v1.8.0. A closed source version is actively maintained and updated for Shadowy Super Coders. I will not be sharing those updates.
Yes, I do know this program does not use Metaplex's new "Collections" feature. No, I will not implement it in this open source repository. Feel free to open a PR with the changes if you'd like.
If this repo helped you or your project in any way, any tips sent to A858S5BKJhrbc4mm8VcMMRWthBgtMu2AjDkAmrEKKEdD on Solana are highly appreciated.
- NOTE: Only have to do this in development. In production, the reward token should already exist and you just have to transfer some into the vault later.
spl-token create-token --decimals 0
- NOTE: Any decimal spl token will work. Just using 0 for development purposes.
spl-token create-account <mint>
- NOTE: replace with the returned mint address from above
spl-token mint <mint> 1000000
- NOTE: This should be a 0 decimal token. Only mint the number based on however large your NFT collection is. You can mint more if needed, but it shouldn't be necessary.
spl-token create-token --decimals 0
spl-token create-account <mint>
spl-token mint <mint> 10000
cd program && cargo build-bpf
- NOTE: If
cargo build-bpf
doesn't work for you, runrm -rf ~/.cache/solana
and then re-run the build command again. This should force solana to re-download and link the bpf utilities.
solana program deploy /path/to/nft-staking-v2/program/target/deploy/
cargo build
cargo run -- generate_vault_address -e dev -s /path/to/deployer/id.json --min_period 60 --reward_period 10 --bonus_percentage 0 --bonus_period 30
- NOTE: periods in seconds
- NOTE: You can use decimals for reward period, min_period, bonus_percentage, and bonus_period. If you do use decimals, do extensive testing to make sure you get the expected amount in rewards and the timing is all correct.
spl-token transfer <reward_mint> 1000000 <vault-address> --fund-recipient
- NOTE: second address is the vault address returned from
spl-token transfer <proof_mint> 10000 <vault-address> --fund-recipient
- NOTE: second address is the vault address returned from
cargo run -- add_to_whitelist -e dev -s /path/to/deployer/id.json --reward 1 --maxreward 30 --candy_machine <candy-machine-creator-address>
is the first creator address on the NFTs in your collection. This should be a creator with 0% share.
cargo run -- stake -e dev -s /path/to/deployer/id.json --nft <nft-token-address>
- Stakes your NFT into the program vault, gives you a proof token back
cargo run -- stake_withdraw -e dev -s /path/to/deployer/id.json --nft <nft-token-address>
- "Claims" your tokens on your nft without unstaking
cargo run -- unstake -e dev -s /path/to/deployer/id.json --nft <nft-token-address>
Unstakes your NFT and claims tokens at the same time
NOTE: Wait 60s before unstaking/claiming, as the min_period above is set to 60s. You can set this to 0 or 1 if you'd like users to instantly claim or unstake
cargo run -- withdraw -e dev -s /path/to/deployer/id.json --amount 10
- NOTE: This is an admin-only command that lets you withdraw your reward tokens out of stake vault. This is a failsafe in case you need to kill this staking program and create a new one.