This repository contains the files necessary to run a sample application in Node.js and to run CI tests on Shippable.
Contents: This repository has 6 files and the functions of each file are as follows:
- - Contains an some basic conventions and guidelines to show the working of folder level caching.
- Shippable.yml - Configured for the language, version & to run a test during the CI step. gives you a detailed introduction on how to configure your CI on shippable.
- Package.json - Installs all the libraries mentioned in dependencies list when we run npm install command from the root of this folder. The npm install command createsds a new folder called node_modules which contains all the libraries mentioned in the dependency list.
- index.js - Outputs "Welcome to Shippable" in a browser
- test.js - Configured to run a simple unit test to check the syntax of the index.js output
- Gruntfile.js - grunt file that loads express server and mocha Test
- xunit.xml -
- .gitignore - default file created at the time of creating this repository hellof the dd www sdsdsd asdad sdsd hello hello world123gggg hgsdf d 123 asdads 1234 asd